Slay Collabs
I know it may seem like imposter syndrome is a buzzword. We hear about it, talk about it, and say we suffer from it, but that’s normally where we leave it. But what do we do with it?
“The number one thing I would say about how I got into PR is determining how I can bring value first? When you bring value. money just comes automatically…”
As someone who enjoys health and fitness, I’m just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to bookmarking workouts, trying different tips, comparing myself and my body to the insanely great-looking ones I see on Instagram.
To us, an influencer does not just mean the number of followers one has on social media but the way you take ownership of a role to inspire, lead and empower others along your journey.
From hating her job to negotiating with God to having only $200 to start an award-winning body care brand, Essence Iman is one badass businesswoman and, honestly, one of our favorite people.
Weight loss, if you’re not trying to do it, have done it, or at the very least know someone who is dealing with it you’re a liar.