Fun Ways to Get in Shape This Year 

Written by: Cora Gold

Once upon a time, you were a small child who needed no prompting whatsoever to get your physical activity. You naturally loved to run, skip, and jump as you explored the world. What happened since then? Shouldn’t you look forward to going to the gym? Maybe you dread your workout because you made it into a chore. Why not bring back the fun? 

There are plenty of activities that can bring back the joy you felt as a child when the teacher declared recess at long last. Here are 11 fun ways to get into shape this year. 

1. Pickleball 

Here’s another activity that’s fun for groups. You can play this game with singles or doubles, although doubles are far more common. 

You’ll use a special paddle to propel a ball over a net on a playing field the size of a double badminton court. You don’t only use your arms — moving your feet and bending your knees propels you around the play area while burning major calories. 

2. Orienteering 

Orienteering takes the joy of hiking, trail running, biking, and even skiing up another notch, honing your map-reading skills. This activity provides you with a map oriented to magnetic north and marked with internationally agreed-upon symbols. You’ll use your compass — not a modern-day GPS navigation system — to navigate the course. 

Courses vary from small, local parks to larger wilderness excursions. Some even take place on college campuses or in urban environments, making this activity accessible regardless of whether you dwell in a downtown studio apartment or a rural area.

3. Kayaking

Here’s another fun way to get in shape that will rock your upper body. If you’ve always desired sculpted shoulders, try navigating your boat through Class IV rapids. 

Even though you can kayak solo, it’s best to go with a buddy on your first few outings. They can ensure you have the right equipment that fits. For example, torso heights over 28 inches should select paddle lengths of 200 centimeters or more, but it’s pretty tough to measure by yourself. They can also help you choose a life jacket that isn’t too snug or loose and ensure your helmet fits securely. 

4. Bouldering

Consider giving bouldering a try if you dream of mountain climbing but have a fear of heights. This activity builds the same skill set but keeps you closer to the ground. Instead of using straps and carabiners, you free-climb a smaller rock, breaking your fall with a crash pad. 

This activity is definitely more fun with a friend or two, so gather a tribe. Alternatively, check with your local parks and recreation department — it may have a bouldering group you can join.

5. Pet Walking 

Do you love the four-legged-and-furry set? Does your need for extra cash interfere with your workout schedule, making it seem like it’s too much to survive and keep fit? 

Consider a side hustle as a dog walker. You can even jog if you work with high-energy breeds, and your services could be a godsend for equally harried pup parents. Earn extra cash and get in shape by getting down with OPP — other people’s pets. 

6. Martial Arts 

Maybe you struggle with anxiety over all the chaos in the world. Take back your sense of power by signing up for martial arts classes. You’ll learn valuable self-defense skills while having fun getting in shape. There are many styles to choose from, including:

  • Aikido

  • Capoeira

  • Kung fu

  • Judo

  • Jujitsu

  • Karate

  • Kendo

  • Muay thai

  • Taekwondo

  • Tai chi

7. Dance

Dance is a fun way to get in shape that you can do with a group, a partner or all by yourself. Your instructor pairs you with various other dancers when you sign up for courses in ballroom dancing or tango, so don’t be afraid to go solo. 

Of course, you can always keep it more intimate. Watch some dance tutorials on YouTube and master the moves before showing them off in Zumba class. If you’re in a partnership, invite your sweetie for a dance party date in your apartment.  

8. LARP 

LARP stands for live-action role-playing. If you’ve always wanted to swing a sword like Aragorn from “The Lord of the Rings,” here’s your chance. 

LARPing shares a lot in common with cosplay, but it adds a physical dimension. You’ll have fun getting in shape while acting out various battles and quests. 

9. Parkour

If you believe the easiest way to reach your destination is a straight line, regardless of what obstacles stand in your way, parkour might be your fun fitness jam for 2024. This urban activity entails leaping, climbing, sliding, and shimmying your way over and around railings and fences. 

Start small, maybe by hopping the fence in your backyard. You can get quite athletic — invest in a helmet and pads if you enjoy wild stunts like leaping down staircases with a tuck-and-roll. 

10. Hit the Playground

Where did you most love to play as a child? The playground offers many fun ways to get in shape as an adult.

For example, those uneven bars are equally good for pullups or skinning the cat. Run the trail, use benches for triceps dips and squats, transform the swings into your ab roller, and find a soft, grassy patch to stretch when you complete your workout. 

11. Creative Yoga

Yoga can be a peaceful, mindful practice — but you can also get creative with it and have some fun. Classes such as aerial yoga stretch your body in new directions as you suspend from soft ropes. Yoga on a paddleboard works your core balance in a whole new way.

If you’re feeling more social than inwardly mindful, try acroyoga. This fun workout combines elements of yoga, acrobatics and massage to increase your strength and flexibility. It’s also a blast to do with a partner and a fabulous way to bring you closer together. 

Have Fun Getting in Shape 

Who said a workout has to be something you slog through? Moving your body should feel like a joy. If your routine has begun to feel more like a grind, switch it up. Get in shape while having fun this year with one of these ideas.


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