Why You Should Try a Digital Detox for Your Mental Health

Written by: Cora Gold

If you’re like most people, your typical day consists of checking your phone the moment you wake up. From chatting with friends to staying updated on the news, the routine continues until you play games or scroll through content one last time before bedtime.

Unfortunately, this daily digital engagement often leads to a disconnect from the world outside screens. Wondering if you need a digital detox? Here are reasons why you should do it to boost your mental state and actionable steps to initiate this change today.

What Is a Digital Detox?

Detox refers to the process of eliminating toxic substances. In the case of digital detox, this term means to take timeouts from using electronic devices, such as smartphones. It allows you to distance yourself from social media sites embedded in people’s lives.

The main goal of digital detox is to give yourself space to experience life without distractions, allowing you to reconnect with nature and people rather than screens. It’s an opportunity for you to step back from the interconnectivity of the modern era and soak in the natural offerings of the world.

Why You Should Try a Digital Detox

Stepping away from electronic devices and giving your attention to the world around you can bring several health benefits, including the following.

Reduced Stress 

Non-stop emails, notifications, and updates on social media can make you feel like you’re always active and available. Sometimes, it reaches a point where you get overwhelmed, increasing your stress and anxiety levels, as your brain never gets the chance to switch off. When your worries develop into anxiety, you might even seek to isolate yourself, which can impact your mental health.

A digital detox can offer you much-needed space from these updates and notifications, allowing you to zero in on the beauty of life outside the screens.

Increased Productivity

Technology is a double-edged sword. It helps people do their jobs efficiently, but it provides a constant distraction. The rise of social media, instant messaging and information contribute to decreased productivity. When you detach from this busy lifestyle, you can channel all your energy into your work and creative pursuits.

Improved Social Skills 

Social media platforms have allowed people to connect with their families, friends and strangers. However, it can also create a barrier during face-to-face interactions — individuals seem constantly glued to their phones. A digital detox will remind you that the most cherished moments are the ones that happen in the real world. 

Newfound Enjoyment in Offline Activities

Unplugging from technology redirects your attention to pursuits beyond screens. You can engage in hobbies, read books, commune with nature, and explore a new sport. When you do other things than scroll on social media, it can lead to greater self-fulfillment.

Increased Self-Awareness

One of the best things about digital detox is it allows you to live in the moment. Without constant distractions, you can meditate on your feelings and thoughts, which can help improve mental clarity. Giving your mind a recharge can also give you a better sense of your emotional well-being.

Better Time Management

Have you ever felt the need to pick up your phone occasionally? Americans check their smartphones 96 times a day on average. In this ever-connected world, this has become a reflex. When you unplug from your mobile, you can help combat this compulsive habit and redirect your attention to other tasks.

How to Do a Digital Detox

Technology is not without its downsides. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take when starting a digital detox.

Put Your Phone Away During Meals

Using your mobile when having dinner with your family or loved ones can reduce the quality of face-to-face interaction. It prevents you from fully experiencing the moment with food and good company.

Explore the Outdoors

Hike a mountain, go camping and bask in the sun — these are simple yet fulfilling activities to reconnect with the world around you. While screen time is shown to impact your mental health negatively, spending time in nature can lower your risk of depression. Instead of watching TV after work, walk or read a book outside.

Establish Your Bedroom as a No-Tech Zone

Scrolling through social media before sleeping is common but can affect your sleep quality. The blue light tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime, making it harder to doze off. Make your bed a phone-free zone, and enjoy a restful night.

Uninstall Addictive Applications

Whether it’s a game or a social media platform, remove apps that don’t significantly contribute to your life and work. This also helps you avoid being tempted to spend more time than intended every moment you unlock your phone.

Try a Digital Detox Today

If too much screen time affects your mental health, try to detach from your electronic devices and unlock various benefits contributing to improved overall health and well-being. It’s time to set yourself free and immerse yourself in real-life experiences today.


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