Should You Be Adding Yoga to Your Daily Routine?

Would you like to embrace each morning with more energy in your body, mind, and spirit? Practicing yoga during your morning exercise routine may be your answer. If you've struggled with other exercise styles, then this one may be the right fit for you.

6 Benefits of Yoga

There are many benefits to yoga that cannot be overlooked. Here are a few perks to this ancient exercise method that dates to 5,000 BC.

1. Relieve Tension in Muscles and Joints

When you’re asleep during the night or after a nap, your body often assumes uncomfortable positions. You may curl up too tightly or overextend your limbs or neck. No wonder most people feel stiff and sore when awakening in the morning.

Notice that the first thing your beloved pets do when arousing from sleep is to make a few long stretches. Using the gentle stretching and postures of yoga in the morning can ease the tension in your muscles and joints. Plus, yoga makes an excellent intro to your other morning exercise routines.

2. Increase Your Focus and Concentration

Does it seem like you often struggle with drowsiness and brain fog? Perhaps the oppressive fog doesn’t lift until after your second pot of coffee at the office. Even then, you may have difficulty staying focused on your daily tasks.

An article published by University Health News discusses yoga’s possible benefits for concentration and focus. It may help shift your attention, but it might boost your cognitive function. People may notice the mental benefits of yoga with only a few minutes of practice each day.

If you want to boost your concentration for the day, practicing yoga in the morning makes good sense. Your body gets used to mindful breathing and meditation, and it's like an exercise for your mind. Learning how to be present at the moment helps you focus on the task at hand.

3. Learning Better Ways for Self-Care

Let’s face it, balancing your family, career, and other social obligations can be nerve-racking. Greeting the morning sun with some yoga poses may become one of the favorite parts of your day. It’s peaceful and quiet, and you’re alone with yourself.

With family, friends, employers, and many others vying for your attention, it’s easy to lose yourself in the struggle. Fortunately, adding yoga to your morning routine can hush the crowd, so you can hear your inner voice. It may be one of the kindest things you can do for yourself every day.

4. Increase Your Metabolism

Maybe you’re not one of those people who jump out of bed at 5 a.m. for an early run. Your metabolism might be sluggish, and you may be battling a few extra pounds. If you’ve wanted to start a morning exercise habit, why not try yoga?

As you stretch into the various yogic poses, it increases your breathing and heart rate. You’re energizing every cell in your organs, muscles, bones, and joints. The burst of energy you’ve created can boost your daily metabolism.

Practicing yoga can also rev up your digestive system, so you feel less bloated and more energetic. The more you exercise, the more fat you can burn. Your morning yoga sessions may help you be leaner and healthier in the long run.

5. Ease Your Mind

Like most people, constant internal chatter can hinder concentration and even disturb your sleep. You may ruminate on the day’s events like a perpetual video loop. Frequently, such rumination has negative undertones that can affect your mental health.

You may minimize this mental chaos by practicing morning yoga postures. Meditation and mindfulness are vital yogic concepts, and they teach you how to breathe and clear your brain. Daily practice may ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

6. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Exercising, eating a balanced diet, and practicing good self-care are essential elements of a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is an ideal complement to your fitness regimen, especially in the morning. It may open your eyes to a new mindset and goals for your life.

Your practice may so inspire you that you’re interested in teaching yoga. A 200 hour yoga teacher training in two weeks may get you started. Even if you teach in your spare time, you’ll enjoy sharing yogic benefits with others. The instruction and inspiration will also enhance your yoga knowledge and practice.

Final Thoughts on Adding Yoga to Your Life

It’s a profound blessing to awaken each morning with gratitude and anticipation. Adding yoga to your regular morning exercises may be the splash of inspiration you need. You can be part of the definitive history and tradition of yoga and be delighted with its many benefits.

About the author:

Miranda Spears is a Texas native who after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, spends her time as a freelance writer. When not writing, Miranda enjoys horseback riding, shopping, trying new recipes, and spending time with her lovely little pug, Gizmo.                                                  



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