Summer Morning Routine to Help You Conquer the Day

Summer is the season where things start to relax. Most people move at a slower pace and tend to take their vacation time. You’re also likely spending more time outside and doing activities with others. However, you don’t want to fall behind on work or chores just because it’s summer. 

If you want to make the most of every day, you need to follow a routine to keep you on track. Add these items to your mini to-do list each morning to make this season a breeze.

1. Make Your Bed

Making your bed first thing in the morning can help you feel more accomplished. You've only been awake for a few minutes and you've already crossed something off your to-do list, even if it's small. Plus, making your bed can encourage you to complete more things throughout the day. 

There's some correlation between making your bed and feeling happier, though there's no way to tell whether it’s the catalyst to feeling joyful. Still, why not take a couple of minutes out of your day to try it out — just in case the claims might be true?

2. Stretch

It’s helpful to stretch before getting your day started. This action prepares your muscles for the day and any activity you'll take on in the morning. It's an excellent way to wake up your entire body before starting on your to-do list. Make sure to begin with your toes and work your way up. A good stretch can prepare you for the whole day and leave you feeling refreshed.

3. Drink Water

Water first thing in the morning can signal to your organs that it's time to wake up. You'll feel more refreshed with something in your system, and water is the best thing you can give your body. Drinking more H2O instead of sugary or calorie-dense beverages can help you manage your weight and eat fewer calories. It can also help clear your skin and keep you hydrated. 

4. Take Care of Your Skin

A morning skin care routine can protect your skin from the wear and tear of daily life. Keeping it moisturized means it's more resilient and can withstand almost anything. 

Remember that you should apply sunscreen of at least SPF 50 before moisturizing and adding makeup. Sunscreen can keep you from aging when you go out into the sun as long as you remember to cover all your exposed skin and wear it under your makeup. 

Remember to wash off any makeup that could remain on your face at the end of the day. Failing to do so might result in acne or clogged pores. Using a makeup wipe is better than nothing if you don't feel up to a full cleansing.

5. Work Out

Challenge yourself with a workout in the morning. That way, you'll already have accomplished your main activity for the day shortly after waking up. You should do something to keep yourself moving, even if it’s just going for a walk or choosing a form of low-intensity exercise.

Whether you go to the gym or stay at home is completely up to you. There are plenty of free online resources, including guides and meal plans you can follow to reach your fitness goals. Just make sure to attempt anything new carefully — and possibly under the guidance of a doctor if you're making a drastic change. Results attained over time are better than those gained all at once.

6. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

After you've finished with your activity for the day, it's time to move on to a nutritious breakfast. You should avoid eating things loaded with sugar, as they will make you crash later. Make sure to eat something with fruits and vegetables and add whole grains and other items with nutrients, such as the calcium in whole milk. Your breakfast is meant to be fit for a king — so treat yourself to the most nourishing food you can.

7. Shower

Showers are great because they can wake you up in the morning and make you feel energized. The water temperature will determine what sort of benefits you'll reap. Cold showers are great for increasing circulation and calming any itchiness or soreness. Consider which type of shower would be best for you — it's only a few minutes of your day, but it can have a lasting effect.

8. Spend Some Time Meditating

Meditation only requires about five minutes of your time, and it can orient your mind correctly for the whole day. All you need is a quiet place and a comfortable spot to sit or recline. Just close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Let all thoughts fall away. You become more in touch with your mind and body through meditating, so you'll benefit from this quiet time alone. Once you center yourself, you'll have a better idea of your goals and how to reach them.

9. Recite Affirmations

Affirmations are easy ways to increase your self-esteem. The brain is easy to trick — if you repeat something enough times, your mind will start to believe it. In this way, the "fake it till you make it" mentality has some truth to it. You'll feel better about yourself if you look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worthy and deserve to feel confident in your skin. Give yourself the affirmations you need to get through the day.

10. Leave Your Home With a Smile

Before you do whatever you need to do, make sure you smile. You can smile at yourself in the mirror or at the inside of your door. The important thing is to leave with a grin so you start the day off on the right foot. This step may be the most important part of your morning routine, as it automatically prepares you to enter the world. You decide how you're going to face obstacles, and doing so with a smile may give you the power and confidence you need to tackle anything that comes your way.

Adhere to a Morning Routine for the Best Results

Morning routines ensure you set your day up for success. Hitting all the items you need for a productive morning paves the way for a more productive day. Spending time with yourself can never be a bad thing. Following an intentional routine lets you stay mindful of everything around you and live in the present, enjoying all that summer offers you.


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