Breast Cancer and Bone Health 101 Dr. Monica Shah: Rheumatologist

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and  confidence” - Helen Keller 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! A worldwide campaign taking place all month to highlight the importance of breast cancer awareness, education, and research. The goal of this newsletter is to inspire YOU to take control of your health and practice self-care, as well as educate you about breast cancer and bone health. 

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women, lung cancer being first. The  American Cancer Society estimated that over 300,000 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in women, the majority being invasive breast cancer. With that being said, all women aged 40 and older are encouraged to obtain screening mammograms yearly.  

What some may not know is that there is a link between breast cancer and bone health.  • Breast cancer treatments can lead to bone loss leading to an increased risk of Osteoporosis in breast cancer survivors.  

• Osteoporosis is a disorder where bones become brittle and weak leading to an increased risk of fracture. 

• Estrogen has a protective effect on bone, and reduced levels of the hormone trigger bone loss. Low levels of this hormone are due to loss of ovarian function from treatment medications and or surgery, especially in premenopausal women. 

This is a common reason cancer patients are sent to me, a Rheumatologist. Bone health should not be overlooked as fracture, especially of the hip, leads to increase mortality. 

What can you do to prevent bone loss? 

• Well-balance diet rich in Calcium and Vitamin D and if needed, additional supplementation. • The Institute of Medicine recommends a daily calcium intake of 1000mg for women up to age  50 and 1200mg for women over the age of 50; Vitamin D recommended intake of 600 to  800IU daily.  

• Weight-bearing exercises at least 3 times per week. 

• Quit smoking. 

• Reduce heavy alcohol consumption.  

• Continue to follow with your Rheumatologist for Osteoporosis screening via a Bone Mineral  Density test every 2 years and to assess if further prescription medication is needed.  

I encourage you all to stay active, healthy, and happy to live your best life :)

Breast Cancer Survivor is Strong as Bones  

“When fear knocks, let faith answer the door” - Robin Roberts 

Shruti Babu, Breast Cancer Survivor  

Monday, October 16, 2017, started out just like every other day.  

It was the week of Diwali & I was planning my huge annual Diwali Party for my friends & family like I do every year. 

That night, before I went to bed I took a shower. While in the shower for some weird reason I  decided to wash my breasts. I don’t know about you but I don’t really do this daily but for some strange reason, I did that day. 

All of a sudden on my left breast I felt something strange - almost like a rock. What the heck was that? Dried up breast milk? Is that even a thing?

I texted my gynecologist who is also a friend of mine & told her what I felt and she asked me to come in on Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. 

I spent all Tuesday just crying & crying. 

A lump??!! Do I have cancer? Am I going to die? Oh man, I don’t wanna die! Wednesday 8:30 am my Gynecologist confirmed she felt a lump as well and asked me to go get a mammogram which I have never gotten. 

I drove from that appointment straight to another one 45 minutes away. I spent 3 hours doing 2  rounds of mammograms followed by ultrasound only to have another doctor come and tell me he doesn’t think it looks good and was sending me to get a biopsy. 

In 2017 I spent Diwali Day getting a biopsy instead of being at my annual Diwali Party. The sonographer first did another ultrasound and then they numbed my left breast and removed several strands of tissue to get tested. It was a quick 5-minute outpatient procedure but the entire process took 3 hours that day. 

“I’m sorry Shruti but your results came back positive.”  

It was Sunday, October 22, 2017, around 5 pm and I was having dinner with Amrits side of the family. After my biopsy Amrit, Ava, Gia & I flew to Indiana for Amrits brother’s baby shower.  

The baby shower was Saturday and then on Sunday night I was sitting outside of Amrits aunt &  uncl’’s condo with his parents, and his 92-year-old grandmother along with Ava & Gia when my phone started ringing. The caller ID showed it was my gynecologist. This was the call I was waiting for since Thursday.  

I immediately got inside the condo and Amrit is behind me. I pick up the phone and my  gynecologist says... “I’m sorry Shruti but your results came back positive”  

That’s the first time in my life I have heard that word used in such a NEGATIVE way. “You have  breast cancer,” she says  

I was 100% sure she was calling to tell me I didn’t. I was 100% sure this was God’s way of telling me to slow down and relax, but I really didn’t think I would get cancer. 

How did this happen to me? I was 38! I remember cursing out my deodorant that night. I didn’t  know who else to blame (before any of you freak out and throw your deodorant away like I  did I just want to say.. it was NOT the deodorants fault)  

It all felt like a bad dream and I still didn’t know what stage I was in, if I was going to need chemo or radiation, and if I was going to live or die. All my doctor could tell me was that I had cancer and that’s it. 

Fast forward a little and we found out from my oncologist that I was stage 2 and needed 16  rounds of chemotherapy and 2 surgeries.  

Why am I sharing all of this with you? Well because one morning I woke up feeling like a normal 38-year-old and the next morning I was told I have stage 2 breast cancer. 1 in 8 women in the  United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

Make sure you do those self-exams. Make sure you go for your mammograms. If you feel something say something. I neglected to go to my regular checkups for 5 years and by the time  I found my lump, it was already at stage 2. 

So what are you waiting for? Early detection is the best prevention!


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