How to Enthusiastically Prepare for Summer

Summer – the season many of us are looking forward to all year long. It’s the time when we swap our bulky clothes for something lighter and our diet goes from hearty, comfort foods to plates of light and fresh seasonal ingredients.

As every transition, this one also needs some prepping up if we intend to experience it to the fullest. From stepping up your skincare game to picking up some warm-weather hairstyle tricks, here are five steps you can take to enthusiastically prepare for summer.

Exfoliate your way to glowy, smooth skin

We all want a smooth, glowy skin we can show off when the temperatures go up. Solution? Regular skin exfoliation! Ideally, you will exfoliate your skin year-round, but your exfoliation regimen will depend on the season. Dry winter air calls for more frequent exfoliation, but come dewy summer humidity, exfoliating once or twice per week is enough. You can still use the same products to buff away dead skin cells regardless of the season. The key is to find a method that works for you, whether it’s scrubbing with a gentle store-bought exfoliator, dry brushing, or exfoliating with a natural homemade body scrub.

Get tanning

Smooth summer skin is a major #goal, but it is the radiant golden glow that has many of us excited about the summer season. Tanned skin is generally perceived as healthy-looking and therefore, more attractive. Bronze skin gives you that vibrant, youthful appeal, and it can even make the muscles look more toned and defined. Before you turn to tanning machines and sunbeds to get that sun-kissed look, consider giving spray tanning a shot. It’s a safe alternative and the results can be amazing if you know how to self-tan properly. If sunless self-tanning at home isn’t your thing, you can always hit the salon and have the pros give you that real-looking faux glow.

Master simple summery hairstyles

Hot summer days and higher humidity levels call for simple hairstyles that will keep the hair off your face. Now, throwing your locks up in a messy bun is a quick fix when you’re in a rush, but there are various other hairstyles that look more polished and sleek and don’t take too much time to make. Protective styles such as faux locs and individual braids are perfect for warm weather, but if you’re someone who wants more versatility, wearing some quality real hair extensions might be a better option for the summer season. These also look more natural and allow for a range of different summer hairstyles, from long braids to simple ponytails to fancier warm-weather updos.

Step up your exercise routine

After a couple of those long, cold months, the summer season is finally here to motivate us to shed those few extra pounds and get in shape. Exercising year-round is ideal, but it’s even more important in those few months leading to the swimsuit season. If you work out on a regular basis, getting that beach body can mean maintaining your regular routine or stepping up your exercise routine and adding something new. If not, preparing your body for summer will require doing effective workouts and combining them with proper nutrition to help shed winter layers and get in shape.

Stock up on seasonal produce

Just like your wardrobe and your skincare routine change with the season, what you eat will also vary depending on the time of the year. Fortunately, summer is abundant in fresh produce that is packed with nutrients that will leave you feeling full without all those extra calories. Of course, you can get seasonal produce all year long. However, fresh fruits and veggies are always a better option, and they’re also much cheaper when you buy them in season. Consuming healthy summer foods will help combat skin sensitivities and dehydration while also providing the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Preparing for summer doesn’t have to be all that challenging. All it really takes is a couple of tweaks to your everyday habits to see amazing results. Stick with these five summer tips to get ready for some fun in the sun and look your absolute best this summer season.



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