Hello, dimples on my ass

Yes, I have dimples on my ass and thighs, aka cellulite. I am not going to complain that much because I am a grown woman, so this is natural. 

We, as women, have to learn to accept our bodies at all stages of life. From baby, skin to stretch marks, to dimples, and so much more. My main goal in my 30s is to keep my body healthy and strong. Yes, would I like to lose a few pounds- well, of course- but I am more focused on my wellness. 

I've been an active pilates addict over this shelter in place, aka the Rona got me at the house. I am taking this time to be at home to restart my wellness lifestyle, including self-care in all aspects of skincare, exercise, sleeping, and just being in a good headspace. 

I've been practicing Pilates with our So She Slays Wellness Guru Melissa Pilates for the past two months and practicing six times a week. I am shocked I am sticking to this schedule and excited about it every day. Not only I get to see my best friend through virtual Pilates (oh yes, Melissa has been one of my best friends since undergrad), and I finally hold myself accountable to workout daily. Its fun to do a class with her, and most of the time, my mom joins! 

While doing Pilates, I have been able to refocus my mind, my breathing, and yes, I can see some high definition in my legs, ass, and abs. The dimples in my legs and ass have become less visible. I feel strong physically and, most importantly, mentally. 

Also, I am in love with dry brushing before taking a shower. Dry brushing has always been my go-to for the past couple of years, and my skin loves it.  

Here are a few benefits of dry brushing: 

  • It's Exfoliating.

  • It Increases Circulation.

  • It's Invigorating and Energizing.

  • Stimulate the Lymphatic System.

  • Eliminate Toxins or Detoxify the Body.

  • Aid Digestion.

  • Improve Cellulite or Balance Fat Deposits.

My new goal while living in our new normal is to feel comfortable within my skin. No matter the dimples on my legs or ass but to know my body is healthy and thriving. 


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