Making Yourself A Priority

Making yourself a priority should be at the top of your list. In our lives we are busy working, going to places that spark no interest to our lives, and scrolling too much on social media. Our minds are occupied on different things. The time is now to put ourselves number 1 on our to do list.

1. Mind. Set. Free.  

The mind has a way to be filled with other's opinions and caring about people's ideas of you.  If someone says something negative about you and you know its not true, go ahead and brush it off. The truth is within you and you know who you truly are. 

2. Limit Your Time On Social Media.

Logging on social media is a daily routine for lots of human beings. Put a pause on social media and do something that you've been wanting to do. Go jogging, create a dish, or get some more sleep. Try no social media for a day or week. You will feel refreshed.

3. Saying No.

It's important to remember by prioritizing yourself is saying no. You may disappoint people and find it hard to say no, just know you matter and your plans matter. Say no to things that don't interest you. Say no to showing up to places that you don't want to attend to. 

Aim for a free mind, limit your social media time, and saying no.


Hello, dimples on my ass


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