Nourishing Kind of Homemade Chili Recipe

A nourishing bowl of chili on a cold winter day is one of my favorite comfort foods. This recipe is quick and easy because it’s kind of homemade. — meaning it’s a can of Amy’s Organic Chili – Medium with Vegetables with added fresh ingredients to hearten it up. I also use a lot of cayenne in this! The capsaicin in it has benefits; it may boost heart health, lower blood pressure, aid digestive health, and boost metabolism.


  • 1 can Amy’s Organic Chili – Medium with Vegetables (its vegetarian chili!)

  • 2 Corn Tortillas

  • 1/2 Avocado, diced

  • 2 spoonfuls of greek yogurt (yay probiotics!)

  • 1/2 lime

  • Your favorite hot sauce

  • Cayenne (to taste)

  • Chopped scallions (Any amount you want to use. I used half of one stalk for two bowls)


  1. Tortilla Strips: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice two tortillas in half. Slice the halves into quarters (length-wise). Drizzle a very little amount of extra virgin olive oil. Bake on a nonstick cookie sheet for 10ish minutes (keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t over cooked). Take out of the oven and put to the side.

  2. Chili: Heat chili on the stove for 5-10 minutes. Add in cayenne pepper (to taste) and a few dashes of hot sauce. Pour half into a bowl.

  3. Toppings: In a small bowl, mix juice of half a lime with 2 spoonfuls of greek yogurt. Add one spoonful of the greek yogurt to your bowl of chili, top with chopped scallions, add diced avocado and add a few tortilla strips.

Note: Save half the toppings because the can of chili makes two bowls. I save that half for lunch the next day.

What are your favorite nourishing and comforting foods for winter?

- Melissa, Wellness Director


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