The chemicals of your emotions, Why it’s hard for you to succeed

Most people don’t know how to separate the “person” from the “behavior.” Most times when we are finding ourselves not being able to complete important daily tasks it’s because we are too emotional. Emotional addicts. Some people are truly hooked on drama. Emotionalism creates drama.

Life is not black & white. It’s grey and everything is a choice. 

Some are truly not in control of how they react to life events or situations but it can be fixed. Your mindset, behaviors and habits can change.

Chemical emotions will stimulate the brain to produce more molecules of emotions. The cells will carry out the corresponding behavior to concentrate the chemicals in the tissues which are known as emotionalism which creates drama. This is why the mindset is very important. It controls you and your everyday life. It’s important to know how to control your mind instead of it controlling you.

Drama is a biological created activity within oneself because the chemicals of that emotion is dwindling in that person’s body. So what does that mean? What type of emotion are you using while reacting to things on a daily basis? Those are the types of chemicals that you create inside and your body will continue to feed off of what you create and become an addict for more. 

In order for your body to keep those chemicals that you created at the level that it’s used to, it will stimulate the person to create drama. Creating more of what your body is used to on the outside will make more of it in the inside. It’s the same thing as a cigarette smoker, they smoke on the outside of their bodies but they are feeding the addiction inside to create more of wanting those cigarettes. So you have to understand this is a self-imposed chemical addiction of one’s own emotions. So if that means that people will sabotage things to feed this chemical balance in the body, they will do that. If it means that they have to create uproars it will happen over and over again to feed that chemical emotion in them. These people don’t need enablers that continuously support them through their high drama dramatic episodes. They need to actually be treated and put into withdrawal and taught how to be able to separate sensations from thought so that they do not continue to create these chemical into their lives. As I’ve stated before it’s important to know your mindset & alter it when necessary. It controls your life.

So you have to understand that this is a serious problem and why people are so dramatic. Some people have difficulties staying focused and not being able to participate or perform their best because we allow emotions to take over because of what we have created inside. Have you ever been around someone who absolutely will not work with someone even for the greater good? They have judged someone else by their speech or behavior and how they reacted to the person in such an unbalanced emotion-filled way, they then will abandon the goal of the project or visions that they were going for over and over and over again. This is why nothing important gets done. We are too emotional to succeed. Learn how to get a mindset shift and leave your emotions out of it or better yet, know how to control them.

Just think of yourself for a moment in the workplace. There may be two people who have made it clear that they do not like one another. But while at work it’s clear that they need one another to perform their best together at the workplace to get the job done. Each person is talented in their own way so when it’s time for work they still show up for the 9 to 5 shift to get busy and then at the end of the shift they won’t speak to one another again. 

The moral of the story is, they did not operate from their emotional state to get the project done. They operated from a growth mindset to get the job done. They were more focused on succeeding than they were with the problem. Not feeding their chemical emotions to cause drama. 

Chemical poisons and toxins are created in the mind and executed throughout the body internally, how you react is external. When the mind understands that we need certain skills and talents to be able to get a task done we will react off of a growth mindset without being interested in how the person looks, what they say, or what they may be doing in order for us to succeed at something. With a growth mindset, we are interested in knowing and figuring out if we can execute this particular activity to the extent that we’re going to get one step closer to our goal. If a healthy mind truly understands that then it will ignore the rest of the activities that are far less important and stay focused on the goal this is critical. Controlling their subconscious mind. Controlling their emotions.

That is why too often nothing gets done because people are too much of emotional attics who are not in control of their bodies. It is our emotions that are driving us and so therefore we have abandoned our vision and purpose. We start to see years go by with the same foolishness and nonsense and we wonder why, what happened and sometimes blame somebody else by saying they didn’t do what they were supposed to do. But no, it was you who would not control your mind and stay focused. It is not up to you on how someone else is speaking, walking, talking, etc in order for you to succeed. How you react to the nonsense with your emotions is completely up to you. Mental health is just as important as physical health. For more on mindset shifts and person breakthroughs, tune in to the podcast, “What Needs To Be Said” hold yourself accountable to control your own mind, emotions & reactions to get things done in order to be able to succeed in life.

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