The Mom Life

Being a mom is a wonderful, fulfilling and fun experience. But if you ask me, it is also extremely stressful and very emotional. There are tons of books on pregnancy and motherhood out there. So don’t be afraid if you’re a first time mom, a mom of two or wanna know about the pregnancy/mom life chaos. Also don’t be afraid to ask questions or simply vent to other momma’s out there. In this article I will be sharing my experience of being a first time mom and some helpful techniques that helped me along the way.

The day I found out I was expecting..

On July 19, 2019

A shocking, emotional news had popped up and let me tell you, I was so scared and I couldn’t believe this was all real. But I felt like my body was changing up on me. So I finally took a pregnancy test, I followed all the instructions and waited and waited and waited for the final results. Once the timer on my phone had gone off. My heart started to feel heavy, it started to rapidly beat super fast like a Cheetah running after it’s prey. I knew it was time to check the results and go for it. So the minute I checked, My body felt so numb full of happiness and joy with tears running down my face. It came out to be positive!!!. I honestly couldn’t believe this was all happening, but I didn’t know how to tell my family, my husband nor my friends about this exciting news I received. I was so shocked and so speechless that I took the whole time to practice what to say when I do tell them that I was expecting. So Around 1:00 P.M I called my husband and told him “ babe I’m going to stop by your job, there’s something I need to tell/show you in person”. But Unfortunately, he was busy. I was way too excited but at the same time extremely nervous. Furthermore, before ending up at my husbands’ workplace I ended up at my mothers’ house. Long story short I was so nervous that I started shaking and sweating.

I told them the news, they were so surprised and very emotional full of smiles, happiness, and warm hugs. I felt so relieved so happy but still nervous. Later on, it was time to leave and go to my husband’s workplace. I started to practice what to say all over again, let’s just say my anxiety was kicking my a** at the moment. As soon as I saw him coming out the doors I was super nervous. I couldn’t help myself but to run up to him and give him the illest big hug ever. He was so lost of what was going on but the minute I took the pregnancy test results out he was so shook he couldn’t believe that he was going to be a dad, He had the biggest smile ever that I will never forget. It was so overwhelming and very emotional telling everyone but it was all worth it and at the end of the day, I kicked my Anxiety’s a** after all.

The first time around...

You have NO idea what you’re doing.

Seriously, I sort of thought everything was impossible to do. I wanted to get everything ready and situated for my newborn child. It was to the point where I felt so overwhelmed by running around like a crazy person trying to rush through this process. You may never be an “expert,” but throughout the experience, you build confidence and integrity. Plus you’re just more “okay” with the fact that no one ever really knows everything.

Many mamas feel like they don’t know who they are anymore.

They say in transition it’s common to feel angry, depressed, confused.. and so many other crazy hormones running through your body. But that’s okay because it’s part of your process. During my first trimester, I felt so done with everything. I was super tired, super grumpy & super confused. But I learned that this wasn’t going to last long so I managed to deal with it day by day with the help of my lovely husband of course. Another thing that helped me throughout my first trimester is meditating and swimming. It distracts you away from the worries, the feelings, and the confusion. It helps you ease your mind, body, and soul and fully focus on you and your little peanut. There are different types of pregnancy every woman goes through so I recommend you to do lots of research on different techniques that will help you throughout your journey.

Your Relationship will be Tested

For those of you fortunate enough to begin this journey with a dutiful partner by your side, it’s important to know that you may grow to temporarily dislike that person. Don’t freak out…it’s totally normal. My husband is the most supportive, compassionate partner I could have asked for, but I couldn’t help but hate him. Everything he was doing just annoyed my soul entirely. I started taking some me time to fully understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Writing down all your feelings and thoughts in your journal is another great technique to do. I spent so much time understanding my feelings and the process like this. So grab a cup of your favorite juice, water or whatever you like to drink and oh some snacks cause you will be hungry and finally write down all your emotions and thoughts and slowly try to understand them day by day.

It’s OK to Feel Sorry for Yourself

Being a new mom is tough and sometimes throwing yourself a good, old-fashioned pity party is just what the doctor ordered.

Fun fact: most newborns are nocturnal. While in the womb, babies are bounced to sleep all day by active mamas-to-be and therefore spend most nights rolling around. It takes a while for little ones to adjust and every baby will figure it out, but, in the meantime, new moms need to go easy on themselves. Have that strong faith and pray every day. it’s okay to not feel okay.

Stop Comparing

Whatever you do, do not compare yourself to other pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong it is hard to sit back and watch other momma’s deal with their pregnancy’s full of happiness and laughter, While you’re just sitting or laying down looking like a sick puppy. don’t expect your journey to be identical to anyone else’s. The grass isn’t always greener and no situation is perfect. Embrace your journey and make the best out of it.

A few bonus pieces of advice:

Trust your journey Always pray every day Don’t compare Always listen to mom instincts Meditate or workout Pamper yourself the best you can Don’t give up!

Finally, to all the mamas and soon-to-be mamas, you’re doing a great job and your little person is very lucky to have YOU as a mama. XOXO


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