How I Roll Out of Bed Each Morning

You must have the courage to find the enchantment that lies within you and give yourself permission to go after that dream and persist with trust in your journey. 

Or that’s what I tell myself, the mornings I wake up and feel like I can’t roll out of bed. The moment’s all the nagging voices in my head telling me, I can’t go on. That I’m not good enough. Brave enough. Smart enough. 

And then I breathe. I close my eyes and breathe into my chest, my heart center. I remember that those nagging voices in my head aren't real. They are the product of an environment of abuse. They are the words of a person so hurt, that they chose to hurt me to make up for their own pain. 

I breathe. I release the tension from my shoulders and I watch my thoughts. I swipe negative thoughts on left, like its tinder. 

I talk it out with someone I trust. Someone who allows me to feel vulnerable. I find friends who make me laugh. And I pull a ‘Sailor Moon’ with my crystals to ward off energetic vampires- who only want to steal my progress. 

I know love wins in the end. Love is the mission. It’s always going to be about love. Love is the highest energy. Finding love in the worst of places is hard, but can only benefit me, because I’d rather have love than be eaten away by hatred. 

Maybe I work a job I hate. Maybe it’s only putting money on the table. So I leave, I quit, and if i can’t leave. I find hope to continue on and remember that thankfully nothing lasts forever. I make my escape plan. Maybe I will go back to school or find a hobby so amazing that just thinking about it, shifts my energy. Maybe I have that one toxic friend or lover who always has me feeling guilt. I slowly disconnect. I look at them from an outside angle and allow myself to see their pain, but not be caught up in their pain. I won’t allow myself to be the punching bag for someone unable to find healthy coping mechanisms. I walk away if necessary, because protecting my energy is everything. I am my most important asset. 

I shift all energy into a place of love. I give up on what others think about me and start to care only about what I think about me. No one can live my life for me, but me. 

I trust. I persist. I believe in me. I move forward in love and in my dream. And that’s how I roll out of bed each morning. 


The Mom Life


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