Procrastination Ruins The Dream

An act of Escapism done by every human is PROCRASTINATION. Escapism in a way to avoid stress by scrolling through social media continuously in a static position. Procrastination is a negative weapon inside our brain that stops us from taking action towards our dream. Procrastination generates fear in the mind of a human when they try something new.

Entrepreneurs have to go through this a lot because they have to try and implement new things and take decisions. Usually, a human becomes a procrastinator when he/she/they thinks about the process to complete the assigned task. That process of the assigned task gives them stress. Stress turns into procrastination. During procrastination time, humans use social media as a distraction to avoid stress. Therefore, a procrastinator gets fully hyped up to complete the work only before the last few minutes of the deadline. The cycle goes on and on repeatedly.

Task---------> Thinking about the process----------> Stress------------> Procrastination----------> Hurry bury work completion.

Now comes the most interesting effect of Procrastination - "DELUSION". A delusional mindset kills the productivity level. This mindset lies inside the human brain. It's not okay for an entrepreneur or anyone to be a procrastinator. It ruins your dream like a slow poison by giving temporary happiness. Don't fall for this mirage (so-called temporary happiness). This so-called temporary happiness is Procrastination combined with social media in today's age.


Avoiding stress will make you feel good at that moment. Eventually, it will provide a guilty feeling of not completing work on time. 'LATER' - the most favorite word for a procrastinator. If an individual starts using 'LATER' for every task, then remember you don't have 100 years' time to finish that task or fulfill that dream of yours. It's all about "NOW".

Let's break the chain of Procrastination weapon by using 'NOW more than 'LATER'. How can an individual start using 'NOW more than 'LATER'? Very simple answer. Strong Mindset. A strong Mindset comes from the habit installation in our regular lives. Let's start with the basic activities. Get up from the bed as soon as you are awake. Then make up your bed. In this way,

you are breaking the chain of procrastination with small activities. It will eventually help you to avoid postponing work for a huge task. Start becoming a Procrastinator. Replace 'later' with 'Now'. Productivity levels in the work will improve. You can get rid of stress by completing at the moment. You can be free of guilt. You can focus on learning new things.

Everyone will ask this question to themselves. How can an individual be free of procrastination completely? It's possible. It takes immense patience and consistency to work on your mindset to replace 'later' with 'Now'. It is okay to postpone work sometimes but not every time. In the end, a human cannot be perfect. Find a balance between 'later' and 'Now' if you want to achieve your dreams. Decide who you wanna be.


I am Sasikala. I am a freelancer in Social Media Marketing. I own a brand called "Sparse'n'Jazzy" that provides marketing services to female entrepreneurs.

Social Media: IG: @sparsenjazzy


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