How to Conquer Any New Year's Resolution

Entering a new year is the perfect time to make your resolutions. They act as a fresh start and a chance for growth. Often people make New Year’s resolutions dealing with health, finances, or relationships, but many have trouble following through. Here are some tips to help you stick to your New Years’ resolutions all year. 

1. Focus on One Resolution at a Time 

Taking on too many tasks at once can feel daunting. Start with one resolution and focus all your energy on that. It takes time to develop new behavior patterns, and you become too distracted with multiple aspirations. Then you feel like giving up on your goals. 

Instead, break up your intention into smaller, manageable chunks. If you want to switch careers, you could create a list of sub-tasks, such as updating your resume and networking. Determine how much time each part will take and the resources you’ll need. 

2. Have a Plan

Creating a detailed plan for achieving your resolution is key. You want to come up with your intentions early on and make a list of the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Having a plan in place gives you motivation when you face setbacks. If you want to cook at home more often, what will happen if work runs late? Determining how you will deal with challenges keeps you on track. 

3. Start With the Basics

Before you challenge yourself to change your whole lifestyle, focus on areas of your life that are easy to adapt to but also easy to overlook. Maybe you always feel tired when you get to work. Try to get to bed earlier, even if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes. Drink more water. It seems obvious, but drinking more water could help us achieve some of our other resolutions, too, such as clearing up your skin or boosting your confidence with a brighter smile. Prioritizing the basics in your daily routine can make all the difference. 

4. Make Your Resolutions Specific 

Often we make generalized resolutions. These include things like getting in shape or being more productive at work. Doing this can make it hard to tell if you achieved your goals, though. Set S.M.A.R.T goals when making your resolutions. These are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive. Consider what you want to accomplish and the resources you need when setting a goal. 

5. Set New Resolutions Each Year 

Try not to make the exact resolution each year. There was probably a reason you weren’t able to achieve it. Plus, you’ll go into the new year with low self-confidence, reducing your motivation. If you choose to go for the same goal, alter it slightly. Evaluate what went wrong and what strategies were effective. 

6. Share Your Goals With Friends

Having support from others increases your motivation and holds you accountable. Telling someone your resolutions can make them more concrete. Plus, others may have suggestions on how to achieve your aspirations. You can even see if they want to join you in your journey. Having someone who shares your resolution can make completing it more enjoyable. 

7.  Make a Bucket List

Instead of just writing down your goals, create a bucket list. Think of things you have always wanted to do and see how they relate to your current objectives. If you wish to get in shape, consider running a marathon. Creating a bucket list is a fun way to keep you motivated. You can even color-coordinate and decorate your list with stickers. 

8. Create a New Goal Each Month 

A year is a long time to work on your goal, and sometimes you can start to feel restless. Maybe you didn’t achieve anything one month, so you lost motivation. Coming up with tasks to complete each month gives you something to look forward to and breaks down your resolution into smaller chunks.

Track your progress to help you stay motivated. Start a resolution journal to reflect on your success and struggles. You can also use apps to plan your daily routine. 

Tips for Accomplishing Your Goals 

Breaking your New Year’s resolution is often a running joke. However, it’s time to change the narrative. Follow these tips to stick to your goals this year and make a positive difference in your life. 

Author Bio: Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that explores life, love, adventure, and more. Cora enjoys writing about her experiences and finding inspiration from others who share her passions. Find Cora on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


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