Welcome to my Ted Talk: Being a POC Woman in Tech.

Yes, another article gives you insight into the struggle of being a black woman in the tech world. It's challenging to be a POC in the tech world - we are little seen, magical unicorns often overlooked by society. 

"White supremacy runs the world place." I first heard this statement a couple of years ago while working at my first non-tech job at a non-profit. I was shocked that my Latinx director told me this on my first day of my new job and then said we needed to fix this issue. At that moment, I knew I was safe in the workplace. 

I've been in the tech world for almost 10 years, and I can tell you some things have changed but not enough. Since last summer, I've seen some "improvement" and the fake "wokeness." But like a twisted version of Groundhog Day- we are back on the same bullshit. 

Every tech company's new initiative is "diversity in the workplace." Companies are trying to bring in more people of color into the workplace. But once people of color are in the workplace, they are often forgotten and not treated as equals. I still do not see people of color (and especially black women) in leadership roles. I know they are well educated and ready to shine; remember, we were always told: "You have to work twice as hard to even be on the same level as a non-black person." I worked harder than some of my co-workers, and my work was not recognized by leadership. I've had non-POC co-workers work less than myself, and we somehow get the same minimal promotion. 

We see that POC members struggle to get full-time offers in roles and are put in contract positions that managers rarely flip to permanent positions. But a non-POC is given a full-time job while putting in the same or less effort as a POC.  

I am sick of fake diversity and inclusion initiatives at the workplace. We need to see a change, beginning from the top. We need to see people like me in leadership, and we need to see the new statistics on how they are improving adding diversity to their company. I want the tech world to say out loud, "Yes, white supremacy runs the workplace, and we will take a stand against it." - and DO IT. Please do not hold monthly meetings and substituting this as action. Let's set up allyship programs; let's get black women in leadership roles.

Speaking as a black woman, I would love to see a black woman in a leadership role in tech. I want to see someone that looks like me be a boss. We are labeled too aggressive when we speak our opinions. We need to change the narrative for black women in a white workspace. 

All POCs have their open personal struggles in the workplace, and sadly we all have unique stories on passive microaggressions or a lack of growth within a company. We need to speak out to change this ongoing narrative. Our voices will demand change because we deserve to be seen and not just for a "woke" moment. I want companies to acknowledge me as a woman capable of holding the same roles as a white man. 


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