World Mental Health Day

This past Sunday, October 10th, was World Mental Health Day, and it seems that this day could not have come at a better time. With three months left in the year, it seems like everyone is slowing down. I know for myself personally, I feel like I hardly ever have time for myself. My schedule is crammed with work, assignments, and social commitments, and I genuinely feel like my own personal needs have been put on the backburner. Sleeping in is a luxury I no longer know, and I haven't seen the inside of a gym in several months. 

I think it's easy for us to feel burnt out with all the different obligations we have pulling us in so many different directions. It's not always easy to remember that we must put ourselves at the top of the list before all of the other to-do's. Holidays are coming up as well, which can be a sensitive time for many people, and it can be hard to remember to prioritize your mental health during a time that can be so triggering. 


With all that being said, here is your reminder to take care of yourself. Prioritizing yourself doesn't have to be this intense, time-consuming project. It can look many different ways for many different people. Here is some inspiration for ways to give yourself some self-care. 

Physical self-care could be going for a walk, spending some time outside, or enjoying a workout class at your gym. 


Occupational self-care is ensuring that work is not the only thing that takes up your time. It could be taking a day off or hanging out with your coworkers outside of work. 


Social self-care is spending time with someone who lifts you or knowing that you need to spend some time alone and honoring that. 


Financial self-care could look like splurging a little and treating yourself to a coffee in the morning. It could also look like buying that thing you've been saving up for. 


Intellectual self-care could be reading that book you've meant to, or maybe instead of watching another Netflix special, you watch a documentary or a Ted Talk. 


Emotional self-care can look like taking the time to finally book that therapy appointment, setting boundaries with that ex, or simply journaling how you feel when you wake up. 


Putting our mental health first isn't always easy, but it's essential. I hope that as the year comes to a close, you can remember to take some time for yourself. Although it feels like things are just going to get busier, allow yourself some time to slow down. You deserve it. 



Be(e) Bold


5 Self Care Habits of Successful Women