Corona VS. College


Everyone’s life is on pause right now. It’s weird, if you had told me a month ago that the only thing I would have to do is stay in my house and not socialize I would’ve said BET. However, a month later I am not doing well. I am just waiting for someone to say SIKE. Obviously, this virus is serious, and we need to take the necessary precautions to make sure everyone is as safe as possible. That being said the virus is driving me insane and I’m sure you are feeling the exact same way. No one was expected to put their lies on pause like this, so it’s okay to be a little sad and selfish right now. We are all missing out on some of our favorite events, whether that’s just going to your favorite restaurant, missing Happy Hour, or a movie night with your friends. I know I didn’t appreciate what I had until I felt like it was snatched from me. The main thing I feel like was snatched from me was part of my college experience.

I know I’m not the only person who feels like I just got my shit together before this virus hit. My grades were thriving and so was my social life. I was making the best memories with all my favorite people and I didn’t even realize it. No more movie nights with my roommates, no more late-night runs to Wendy’s, no more nights out with the girls, and no more going on campus. The things I use to complain about like I would do anything to get back.

Honestly, the fact that I don’t know when I’m going back is honestly the scariest part. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to say goodbye to some of my favorite people who are graduating, or I can apply for the job that I wanted. Which doesn’t sound like that big of a deal but its the little things that make the big things so much more important.

I think realizing that I was taking my life for granted is going to affect how I live my life when this pandemic end. I am not going to say no to anything ever again, sleep is for the weak. I got way to use to my daily routine and expecting it to stay the same.  I believe it could’ve been a blessing in disguise, even though right now it doesn’t feel like it. Some people take this life for granted and when it gets put on pause it makes you rethink what your priorities need to be. So, if you’re feeling a little defeated right now, like me, just remember to try and take this time and relax. Maybe do learn a new hobby or maybe just binge watch a new series on Netflix. Do whatever you need to do to get through this crazy time, but when this is over, I know for sure the world is going to be a much more fun place to be because we are not going to take it for granted again.


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