Being a Sorority Girl: it Surprised me, in a good way

We've all seen the movies about how sorority girls are basically the spawn of satan in girl form, and I’m not gonna lie and say some of them aren't. Going into college I was one of those girls who swore I would not rush, I even tried it and dipped because I thought it was so superficial. I didn't want to be stereotyped and I knew I would be able to make friends without being in a sorority. I tried to get involved on campus as much as I could my freshman year and did make a few new friends, but most of my friends were people I knew from High school. Don't get me wrong I love them, but the main reason I went to UCF was to get away from high school. Meanwhile, my twin sister was thriving in a sorority at another school and I hate to admit it, I was kinda jealous.  People would ask me if I was going to go through recruitment again, I always turned it down so quick, but in the back of my mind the thought of it was always there. I would tell myself that the process was degrading and that I didn't need to pay money to make friends. However, as the end of my freshman year came along all of the friends I had made decided to rush in the fall and I started to panic. I told myself If I tried it again and hated it I could just drop AGAIN. However, as you can tell by the name of this article, I didn’t drop.

         I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, for me recruitment was a week from hell. My self-esteem was shaking, and I hated the fact that I had to spend an entire day talking to people, my social meter was running out of energy quick. It was a weird process to say the least, but at the end of the day it was worth it. I went into recruitment thinking every girl was going to look the same and I would be an outcast. Surprisingly, there was a good mix of girls which made me feel a little better about going through the process. Im not going to go into detail about the 7 days of recruitment but, I did end up joining a sorority surprise.

            There’s definitely pros and cons of being in a sorority, but for me the good outweighs the bad because I have been able to find a community of people, which is something I struggled to find my freshman year. For me, my friend group is very small, but the people in it are people who I want by my side even when I am graduated and adulting in the real world. I have held leadership positions, networked with other people in Greek life for internships, learned/participated indifferent philanthropy events, and have made some of my favorite memories in these past 6 months. It is a family away from home. College is hard and surrounding yourself with people whose lives are just as much a shitshow as yours makes the days just a lil bit easier. The sorority is for a few years, but if you do it right the friends you make will be forever.


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