Respect & Honour The Energy Of Your Period – A Reminder

Your body and its periods and its literal periods is something that asks respect, not shame, belittlement or to treat it like it’s an issue. I know, I know another period talk but hear me out. 

I’ve started my own journey into my self and exploring my body in a way that feels more natural to me and some of the insights that I acquired were a whole new appreciation and respect for that time of the month! 

Although, I’ve generally had somewhat of an effortless period, minus the mood swings, the emotional breakdowns, and the somewhat nauseating sensations I’d experience a day or two beforehand – I’ve always found my period to be a time where I feel the clearest, the more assertive and the most in tune with what I need to and what I don’t need to do. 

It’s also a time that gives me insight into who and what I need to let go of. What energy around me isn’t working as in what energy is supporting me and what energy is draining me. 


During and even before my period, my energy becomes limited, I feel extremely sensitive and yes, I am crying most days and daze – which means, I become laser clear on what needs to be focused on and how I need to add more self-care to my life. 

And if you’ve been around the block for a while, you’re probably more than aware of the unempowering narratives that surrounded our periods. For example, that period blood is disgusting or that we immediately need to reach for pills, junk food, and chocolates to ease the pain. And though, these can be temporarily helpful and especially beneficial for those who do experience painful periods – the other part of a woman’s period is not discussed or encouraged as much – and that is the more spiritual aspect of the period – where it can be a moment to connect to ourselves and tap into holistic self-care! 

Your period can actually be a time to check-in with yourself, take stock, and revaluate your last cycle – which can last anywhere from 21 to 40 days. This reminds us that our cycles don’t only start on the day that we bleed, but rather that it is an on-going process that we are always in a relationship with – whether we’re aware of it or not. 

A more empowering narrative is to look at our periods as part of the seasons too. So, for example, week one of our periods can feel like an inner winter time. It’s a time for taking care of our bodies, staying indoors, keeping warm, taking stock, and focusing on nurturing our inner and outer worlds. Week 2 can be looked at as our innerspring, where we might feel the need to start cleaning, organizing, and making decisions after we’ve had some rest and self-care. Week 3 then becomes our inner summer and also our time of ovulation which may allow us to feel flirty, summary, sexy, confident, and wanting to connect. And lastly, week 4 is seen as our inner autumn – where things are beginning to slow down and where we may want to start preserving our energy. This is where them nudges around self-care can intuitively come through, and where we may sometimes be too busy to even hear them. Make self-care and winding-down a priority during this time as you prepare for your next cycle. 

So whatever perspective you have around your period, remember that it’s a sexy time to invite self-care into your life. Our periods give us hints into our own boundaries, where we have taken on doing too much, who’s bullshit is draining us, what triggers may come up for us during the month, and where can we invite more healing into our lives or if we’ve truly healed from any past traumas. Our periods are our guides into living more in-tuned with the natural rhythms of our bodies and it only asks us to become wiser for our own wellbeing. 

Besides, it’s been estimated that the average women will spend about 10 years of their lives having their periods. And with every period we experience, it’s a reminder of the ability we have to create, nurture, and host life – whether actual human life or the ability to support our projects, ideas, or communities. Respect and honor the energy of your period – it’s so worth it. 


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