Putting Your Holiday Decorations Up Early Could Make You Happier

We can all agree that 2020 has been stressful and that we have all been through a lot. From wildfires and the coronavirus pandemic to various elections and the fight for social justice, all of our lives have been affected in one way or another. In such a grim year, it can be hard to find something positive to focus on. However, the holidays are just around the corner and, according to experts, putting up decorations early could help make us a bit happier. So, if you’ve been wondering whether it’s too early to put up your holiday décor in November, keep on reading to make up your mind.

Holiday decorations can ease your stress.

Back in 2017, psychoanalyst Steve McKeown told Unilad that there are many reasons why someone chooses to put up decorations early. For example, many of us associate the holidays with happiness and excitement. By decorating our homes well in advance, we usually look to prolong these feelings and ease stress and anxiety.

In a year that has been full of disappointments, sadness, and uncertainty about the future, we should make the most of all sources of happiness we have. It’s easy to judge others who put up decorations in the middle of November, but we should stop and think about why they are doing something like that and why we wouldn’t do the same. This year has been challenging, and most of us won’t get a chance to celebrate like we usually would but looking forward to an event that we love, and that serves to bring the family closer together should never be judged.

Holidays trigger nostalgia

Just remember how excited you were about the holidays when you were younger. Perhaps you can bring this childhood feeling back and breathe some positivity into your life with a bit of effort. Even if you lost someone important this year, you could still use the holidays as a reminder of all the happy moments you shared. Reflecting on the holiday memories and using the decorations you would usually put up together can help you feel connected with the person you lost.

On the other hand, if you have kids of your own, you should provide them with the experience you had while growing up. If they are young, the chances are that they don’t even understand everything that happened during this year. Therefore, please do your best to keep them happy and excited about the holidays. Maybe seeing the holiday cheer in your kids will help you feel at least a little bit better about the world.

You can make your traditions.

If your childhood wasn’t the happiest and you’re finally on your own, this is a chance to create new traditions and spend precious time with the people you care about the most. Just because your family never used to put up decorations early, it doesn’t mean that you have to do the same. Look for cute holiday decoration ideas online and have your friends and family help you with decking out your home in style. From decorating the entrance to your lovely abode to hanging stockings for each member of your family, there is a lot you can do.

Making friends is made easier.

What is more, seeing a nicely decorated home can also bring joy to everyone in your neighborhood. People who decorate their families are often seen as friendly and accessible by their neighbors, which means that you can make friends more efficiently. While this year, we are mostly confined to our homes and not socializing with neighbors, decorating the streets can still bring a little bit of hope and unity into our lives.

You will have more time later on.

Finally, by decorating your home early, you will have more time to spend with your family. You don’t even have to decorate everything at once. You can set aside a week for the exterior of your home and then slowly start adding décor to the indoors, or vice versa. When we leave decorating until the last moment, we are often more stressed as we have to look for presents and prepare all the meals for the big day. Decorating in advance gives us enough time to take care of everything without stress.

There are many aspects to how putting up decorations early can make us happier. So, when you see someone decorating in November, don’t shame them. Think about joining them. You might benefit from it a lot.


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