Bachelor Slaytion - Week 3 Recap: Alayah Is Losing It

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Bachelor Slaytion with Isa & Shelby! We’re recapping episode three. This episode aired almost two weeks ago so you probably need this recap. Promise we’ll find a better schedule soon, we know you’ve been waiting in agony for this.

We open the scene to the aftermath of the champagne incident. Hannah Ann is still crying because Kelsey called her a bully… yikes. Kelsey says using unkind words toward her isn’t bullying? I mean ok. Remind me to look up the definition of bullying in the dictionary and get back to Kelsey. This argument is too ridiculous to spend any more time deciphering SO, on to the one on one.

The first one on one is with Victoria P. We’ve said it before, but Victoria P is a precious human. For this date, Peter takes yet another girl on a one-on-one to his hometown. (Perks of living 5 minutes from the mansion all your girlfriends are staying in.) This actually looks like a lot of fun, I (Shelby) would honestly thrive on this line dancing date. These two are super cute together and if we ignore some of Peter’s more cringe-worthy comments we’d say it went really well. Victoria also shared a personal family story with Peter so obviously she was going to get that rose. After this date we think it’s safe to say Victoria P is for sure going to be in the finals. There, we said it. But we haven’t looked up any spoilers so don’t quote us. The chemistry between these two is annoyingly obvious. 


Back at the mansion, the women are starting to become skeptical of Alayah. She is drunk off her ass saying “cheers all of you bitches I love you” which sounds a lot like how we talk to the people working at McDonald’s on our way home from a night out. Apparently she is manipulative and fake. We honestly really liked Alayah up until she started wearing Peter’s pilot hat around the house and calling herself “Alayah Weber”. Girl, relax.

Moving on to the group date. We start with Queen Demi Burnett returning to the mansion. Don’t get me wrong, we love Demi but does anyone else think she has just a little too much power in the Bachelor universe? Anyway, all the women get packages with pajamas in them and Kiarra completely mispronounces the word ‘lingerie’ which was probably the funniest thing we’ve ever seen on this show. She called it “ling-er-ee”. We love her. Peter meets them en route to the date and looks reeeeallllyyyy good in this white henley. Moment of appreciation for Peter. Demi takes them to a pillow fighting date, which seems slightly sexist and honestly we would probably rather leave the show than have to partake in that, but these girls are a lot stronger than us. They completely attack each other and seem to forget that in a pillow fight you’re only supposed to use your pillow. Are you guys ok? Seriously, we’re concerned. The women are paired against each other and Demi chooses the two who seemed to be the most aggressive to compete in the final round. It ends up being Sydney and Alayah. The two who already have beef? Wow. *pretends to be shocked*


At the cocktail hour Sydney and Alayah really start beefing while Peter is off making out with everyone. That man loves to make out. No shame, if you got it flaunt it baby. We do have to take this opportunity to highlight the best one liner of the night. Tammy is worried that Peter sees her as one of the bros, so he leans in to kiss her and says “I don’t do this with my bros”. I DON’T DO THIS WITH MY BROS. We laughed out loud. We need to appreciate Peter more.

Alright, let’s get back into it. Post pillow challenge Sydney was indeed coming for Alayha’s neck and told Peter she thought someone was there for the wrong reasons. Both are pretty petty, one wearing her crown to the group date and the other later taking her rose everywhere with her. BUT we will admit that Sydney opened up the door for others to express how they really feel about Alayah. Peter was really starting to fall for her, so this news hurts him. He did not hold back though, asking Sydney who she thought was fake in front of everyone. The devil works hard but the Bachelor producers work harder. In our opinion, Sydney comes off kind of aggressive and kind of needs to vibe, but it’s clear that the girls are really starting to see each other as competition. 

If you haven’t been paying attention - and we really wouldn’t blame you if you haven’t - many of the women have accused Alayah (a.k.a. pageant girl who has a nasty side, as if you haven’t heard enough of that in this episode) of being manipulative and fake. This has caused Peter to hold a pool party at the mansion. More like a tea party if you ask me. Good joke? We tried. Anyway, we were really bored during this whole thing and all we can gather is that everyone took turns shitting on Alayah to Peter’s face. This included Sydney (of course), Lexi, Kelsey, and a few others. Then Victoria P. pulls Peter aside. We said it once and i’ll say it AGAIN. Victoria P. will be in the top four. Peter confides in her so much that he asks her opinion on Alayah and thank God for that because turns out she is a l i a r. Basically Victoria P. reveals to Peter that she knew Alayah before the show through the pageant circuit, but that Alayah asked Victoria not to mention to producers that they knew each other. Say it with us now… SHADY! It is never a shock that someone is there for the wrong reasons, but Alayah, honey. Cut it out. You’re famous enough already. We literally cannot hear her fake high pitched voice anymore. Alayah tries to tell Peter that she didn’t tell producers about knowing Victoria P. so that they both would not be at a disadvantage. Sure. Peter is rightfully annoyed and confused and leaves the pool party early. Mykenna cries with a wine glass in hand because she didn’t get enough time with him. Mood.

We’ve made it to the Rose Ceremony. Everything goes pretty much as planned until Peter starts to break down and walks out of the room. At this point Mykenna and Alayah are freaking out but we all know they will probably get the last two roses, right? WRONG. Our Lord and Savior Chris Harrison comes in, takes one rose away, and announces that this will now be the final rose of the night. Now everyone is freaking out. Peter makes the somewhat sane decision and gives the rose to Mykenna. Sorry Alayah, time to take off the pilot’s hat. 

So we say goodbye to Alayah, Alexa, Jasmine and Sarah. We weren’t even sure who Jasmine was so props to her for making it that far. Shelby was pretty disappointed that Sarah left because when the cast list came out, she confidently texted her Bachelor group chat declaring Sarah the winner. Oh well. Tensions are high as the number of women starts to diminish and Peter starts falling for more than one. 

Next week Peter and the women are whisked off to beautiful, exotic…. Cleveland. Can’t wait for a bunch of shameless plugs for the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce about how Cleveland, Ohio is the perfect place to fall in love. Until next week!


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