Ever Think About Trying At Home Professional Teeth Whiting? I Did, This Is What I Learned

An at home PROFESSIONAL teeth whiting kit… for a first timer, I was just a little intimidated. Is this really going to work?

It’s been one of those things I thought about trying but never really got around to it. I was always pretty happy with my electric toothbrush and toothpaste that promised to keep teeth bright white and remove surface stains.

But of course when given the opportunity to try an at home professional teeth whiting product by Smile Brilliant, it wasn’t like your girl was going to turn it down. However, a few things crossed my mind as a complete newbie to this whole process.

  1. Am I going to mess up my teeth?

  2. I heard your teeth are sensitive after you whiten them, how sensitive are we talking?

  3. How often do I have to do this to start seeing results?

The lovely people at Smile Brilliant helped me out with all of these questions when I was trying out their product. I do have to say their customer service was wonderful, especially for someone who wasn’t quite sure what they were getting into. When my Smile Brilliant box arrived by mail it was filled with super easy instructions and everything I would need to get started.

First thing I did was mix together white and blue putty to make molds of my teeth. If you’ve ever been fitted for a retainer in your life this is exactly what this was like. It wasn’t bad and the taste was minty. It did kind of stink waiting the few minutes it took for the putty to harden but then again I never really liked that part when I was fitted for a retainer after my braces came off either.

I sent off the molds in an already prepackaged envelope and a few days later I got my whiting trays. They look very similar to Invisalign but made of softer material.

Following the instructions I lined the trays with whiting gel in the easy to use syringes and waited. Anywhere between 45 minutes to 3 hours you can keep the gel on your teeth, I only made it to 45 minutes. I was not a big fan of the taste of whiting gel but then again I didn’t expect it to taste very well either.

After 45 minutes I washed my mouth out, brushed my teeth like normal and applied the desensitizing gel to my clean trays and waited another 15-20 minutes. Once my was time is up I rinsed out your trays but not my mouth, this lets the desensitizing gel sink in further.

Since it’s recommended to do this whiting process before bed, so not to introduce any new stains, that exactly what I did. The next morning I did notice a little bit of a difference in shade color but I also noticed some white spots on my teeth. Not going to lie the spots freaked me out, remember this was my first time doing this. I emailed the Smile Brilliant team and they told me it was perfectly normal, that the spots on my teeth were dehydrated areas and would go away in a day or so; that is exactly what happened. Phew!

I gave this whiting process a few more tries and after I was done these were my thoughts:


  • My teeth did get a few shades whiter and I didn’t mess them up. Yay!

  • It was pretty easy to get started and people were super helpful.

  • The custom fit whiting trays for your teeth were good so you didn’t have globs of gel spilling out in your mouth.

  • Everything you need is in your kit and one syringe can last you about 3 uses.


  • The amount of time this process took. I think it’s a personal preference in the fact that I don’t like having the trays in my mouth for at least 45 minutes followed by another 15-20 for the desensitizing gel. I was never good at wearing a retainer after my braces came off so I think this falls in that category.

  • The taste of the gels. Again, I didn’t expect it to taste amazing and I could be a baby about it but this is just my personal opinion.

  • Having sensitive teeth afterwards. The sensitivity wasn’t horrible by any means and it was expected but I found that personally it did bug me to feel that my teeth were sensitive at all. The sensitivity is temporary and is caused by the natural removal of hydration & minerals along with stains and it's super common with any type of whitening, even whitening strips.

I would recommend Smile Brilliant if you are in search for that at home teeth whiting experience that you would probably get at a professional dental level. They for sure deliver on that experience and their product absolutely works.

If you’re me and a little finicky about time, taste, and sensitivity I would say maybe stick with your electric toothbrush and whiting toothpaste.


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