The Bigger The Hoops, The Bigger The...

We all have heard that line.. “The Bigger The Hoops, The Bigger The...“ 

Well, I am not going finish that statement, but you should know the rest it. We all have heard it from Khloe Kardashian say it a few times when she stunts with her hoop earrings. 

Can I just tell you how much I am in love with hoop earrings? I have always loved this statement accessory, but now it's making a major comeback. 

In the past months, you have seen your favorite celebrities wear hoop earrings as a part of their street style and on the red carpet. They have become a Fashion-It Girl favorite piece to add to their outfits.  Hailey Baldwin,  Kerry Washington, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez and Emily Ratajkowski are known for rocking this accessory. 


You can always dress up your outfit, and simple hair style with a pair of good hoops. I love a good medium size hoop earring with my hair pulled in a messy bun or a low bun. It adds a certain street chic vibe to my look. It makes my simple t-shirt and jeans look like I try to look cool. It has that downtown vibe look that I love. 

Here a few of my favorites:

What recent accessory are you loving ?

Slay on, C 


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