Set the Mood With Urban Outfitters

Yes, it's time to revamp my living space. 

When you're younger, your parents are usually in charge of how you room decor looks. They chose the furniture and color scheme. When you get in your teens, you start adding your favorite posters. You add the boy bands, teen idols, movie posters, etc as a form of decor. Yes, I had a bunch of my favorite boy band posts aka *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys. In college, you decorate your dorm with the best Target College Collection at the moment. 

Now that I am in my adult life I have to make some decor changes. I am now in love with interior design. I love buying furniture, comforters, images, and candles for my living space. I have to admit I am not ready for CB2 and all the amazing decor spots aka I do not have the funds just as of yet.  I am more of the adult Urban Outfitters vibe now. Here are my favorite pieces I just added to my living space in the past few months. 

I am in love with all the pieces recently Urban Outfitters have for their Apartment/Living Space Section. 

What are you favorite pieces? Send us over your favorite pieces on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and tag @sosheslays and we will def feature you on our next decor post! 


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