The Key To Unlocking Your Life's Potential

“Be the energy you want to attract” *eye roll* I know you have most probably heard this quote amongst so many others about “energy” everywhere. Well yeah, I get it energy is an intricate concept that many people brush off as “none sense” just because they don’t understand it. 

I’m not going to bore you with scientific research or go by what the experts say, instead, I’m going to give you my own testimony and how understanding my energy changed my life. 

Energy simply put is what you allow into your life: people, habits, and behaviors. 

We are all guilty of having clung to something or someone when we probably shouldn’t have. Now you might say, where is the harm in desiring something and trying to make it work? I hear you. Everything in life demands effort and time. Rome wasn’t built in one day. 

But when we are in a certain situation we are often blinded by our emotions. For me I was trying to make a friendship work for years, putting the other person first, making excuses for their dismissive behavior, and their lack of effort into the friendship. I thought it was fine, sacrifice is a part of it, being selfless and putting the work in what you care about. But no matter how much I’ve tried, nothing changed… I only grew exhausted of failed attempts and not being met halfway. I kept thinking it’ll get better when I make new friends but was I actually putting any work into that thought? You guessed that right, I wasn’t. 

Then, one day I came upon a motivational video encouraging me to remove negative energies to let the good ones come in. In other words, cut out anything and anyone that isn’t serving me in order to make way for better opportunities and people. What did I do? Well, I didn’t exactly cut out my friend, I just stopped expecting anything from this friendship, accepted it as it is, and only offered what the other person was offering. What happened next, I did not expect to happen so quickly. When I stopped pushing for things to happen and just accepted the process and the timing of the universe, things began to flow. My friend started showing more emotions, putting in the work and effort in wanting to fix everything. Wow yeah, I know what gives? I just made way for better vibes to flow in, better energy. I wasn’t forced anymore. I let it be and it just came back to me because it is meant to.

Yes, that’s how the momentum in your life changes, whether it’s old toxic energy getting fixed or getting replaced with a new healthy one, it doesn’t matter as long as you are allowing the receiving of what is meant to gravitate towards you with no restraint or blockage. 

That is what energy is all about: harboring good people, healthy habits, nurturing mindsets, and good behaviors. Anything that doesn’t fall into these categories or add value to your life is considered bad energy. 

Why don’t we just take another example? 

Say you are someone that does not believe they can succeed in life and you feel like a fraud. In reality, you are just afraid of your own potential, yes it’s a thing and I know that because I was that someone. 

No matter how much work you put into reaching your goals something was always going to go wrong for you and that is because someone is sabotaging you, it’s your own self! You are attracting bad energies towards you because you are emitting them. Liberate yourself from your doubt and fear, easier said than done I know, but hey many of us quite literally fake it till we make it. No one has it all. You deserve good things because you are as great as all those people you compare yourself to. 

Everything has its own timing and place. When things are meant to fall in place nothing will stop them, some people call it “fate” i also call it “the universe and energies aligning”.

Failing does not mean you are worthless or a mess, it means you tried which is more than so many people can do. Be patient and take your time, there is no race, it’s just you being happy at the finish line no matter when you get there. 

But most importantly never settle just because it’s daunting to venture and wander around. Take chances, send that article, apply for that job, make mistakes, and don’t be too hard on yourself or others for not being what you wanted them to be. You will find your people and your place in the world eventually, even if that place is “nowhere” it’s also a place where most of us are chilling right now, sitting with the uncomfortableness in order to grow. 

Build your mindset and eliminate bad energies. Analyze your fears, emotions, and goals then write them down, it’ll help you tremendously having everything out in the open for you to work with. 

You’ll go back to those journals one day after unlocking a mindset, overcoming a fear, attaining a goal and you’ll be grateful you took a bet on yourself. 

So don’t overthink yourself! You have potential you just need to unlock it. Keep on decluttering your energy source. You’ve got it!


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