Life Unbothered: A Guide to Stop Giving A F*CK What People Think About You

I'm going to be blunt with you for a second; no one cares about you as much as you think. Don't get me wrong, you have people who love you and want to see you succeed, but the truth is everyone is so wrapped up with their own lives that they're too busy to notice what you're doing. Stop letting what you think others will think of you dictate how you live your life. We live on a floating rock, and none of us are making it out alive, SO I suggest you start making choices based on what YOU want. 

Okay, I know it's easier said than done. We live in a society where people base their self-worth on Instagram likes or TikTok views. Letting go of people's opinions of you is a learning process and involves a lot of trial and error. I used to get SO butthurt when I found out someone didn't like me, especially if they had no explanation. I would base what I was wearing off of what everyone else was. I settled for relationships that made me insecure because I cared so much about them wanting me. I stayed friends with people who didn't add any value to my life solely because I was scared to "hurt their feelings." I craved external validation because I lacked internal worth. I tried so hard to make others like me that I forgot I needed to like myself. 

I can now gladly say I not only like myself, BUT I love myself (ladies loving yourself isn't cocky, it's YOUR life. Why wouldn't you be obsessed with it?). I also love the people I'm surrounded by and the life I have created. This process was not linear and involved A LOT of trial and error. Everyone should wake up every day confident with who they are and what they do. Let me say this louder for the people in the back, IT'S YOUR LIFE, BE SELFISH. 

Here is a small guide on how to stop giving a f*CK what people think about you: 

1. Remember when someone talks negatively about you, it has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with them

I used to get so worked up when my name was coming out of someone else mouth. Now I'm flattered. If someone has nothing better to do with their time than to tear others down, let them. Their comments reflect who they are, not you. People usually hate in others what they hate about themselves.

2. It's YOUR life. BE SELFISH 

I feel like a lot of people forget this. We as humans want to please others, especially those close to us. HOWEVER, that does not mean you should neglect your wants and needs. Create a life you can't wait to wake up from. Have hobbies YOU enjoy. Wear clothes that make YOU confident. Surround yourself with people who make YOU feel good. You only get one life, don't live it for others. 

3. Think, and I mean REALLY think, about the worst-case scenario.

Let's say you go out wearing something that you love, but you feel like other people will think it's "too much," or you want to lift weights, but you are scared people will look at you in the gym. The Worst case scenario for these events is they look at you funny, or someone MIGHT say something about your outfit. Now, think about it, is that really so bad? Once you get over the fear of other people judging you, you'll be free. 

The worst-case scenario I can think of is that you spend your entire life trying to please other people that by the end, you'll realize you wish you could do it all over again differently. 

4. Remove Negative Energy 

If your friends love to start drama, they're not your friends hate to break it to you. Detox your social media. Distance yourself from people and things that make you question your worth. The energy you surround yourself with presents itself within all aspects of your life. 

5. Some people just aren't going to like you. Accept it. 

This one is hard for people to accept. When you find out someone doesn't like you, you want to prove them wrong. Don't ever change yourself to make someone "like you." Instead of focusing on those who don't, better yourself for those who do. You're not made for everyone. That's life. Sometimes people aren't going to like you. Get over it. It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for someone you're pretending to be. 


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