"Love changes everything, ​so fill the world with it."

I am a woman of passion. I like to get my hands dirty. I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Love is my anthem.

I believe that there is nothing more beautiful than someone following their "spark", their heart, their "true north". So I seek to inspire, to empower.

 I work with my hands. I put pen to paper. I create sculptures. I handcraft cards. I give away little pieces of my heart.

 I smile at strangers. I compliment what I like. I refer to people in terms of endearment. I say “thank you” and genuinely mean it.

I believe that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Kindness is magic, and grace is contagious. In order to positively impact someone's life, you don't have to have all the answers. You don't need fame, fortune, or followers— you just have to care.

I believe that it costs nothing to dream, and everything not to. I am not afraid of doing the work— leaning into the uneasiness, opening myself up for potential “failure”. Rather, I am afraid of not trying— of looking back and thinking "what if". 

I am not a victim of circumstance, I choose the life that I lead. I may not be able to choose the cards that I am dealt with, but I can choose to make the most of them. I will not allow autoimmune disorders, heartbreakers, liars, cheaters, or thieves to steal my joy. I will not let the world make me hard. I am the author of my story, the CEO of my life, the artist of my canvas— and I am going to create an effing masterpiece. The only person that I am destined to become is the person I decide to be.


I eat slowly, sing loudly, hug tightly, and breathe deeply. I rock messy buns, hats, scarves, layers, and the quasi-frequent F-bomb. I celebrate the “wins” — big ones, small ones, and everything in-between. I embrace my old soul, waking before the sun peeks its head out, and often going to bed soon after it sets.

I am a work in progress. I am an optimist. I am soft. I am vulnerable. My heart is easily broken. But there is strength in my fragility.

I am a Lover. Dreamer. Wife. Friend. HealthNut. outdoor enthusiast. Yogini. Nerd. Optimist. Vegan. Upcycler. registered nurse. Yoga Teacher. Artist.

I am @urban.veggie and #IAmHer 


Skinny Affair's Turmeric Latte Recipe


Tofu Bhurji Kati Roll