Body Image + Self Worth // In This Body Film

Hi! I'm Caroline Aylward, the creator of Get A Helmet + the Get A Helmet Podcast. With the incredible help of womxn in my community in Boston, I directed a film called "In This Body". I am passionate about storytelling, empowering womxn, the medicine that moving our bodies provides and creating space for humans everywhere to be exactly who they are. I used my podcast as a platform to do research on the topics of Body Positivity, Body Image Issues, Body Dysmorphia, Eating Disorders and Self-Worth as a whole -- specifically as it pertains to womxn. 

This short film is dedicated to womxn's bodies, empowerment, self-worth, and confidence. It is an offering to soften the harsh, judgmental voices in our heads that tell us that our bodies aren't good enough. It is an invitation to reconnect to our power and home within.

We live in a time where weight equates to worth and a gap between our thighs is worth more than the soul behind our eyes. We are taught to believe that our bodies are broken when in fact they are powerful temples that hold our consciousness. This is an acknowledgment of all of the progress that has been made and resistance towards diet culture at the same time. This is an unapologetic step towards living free from shame.

Rather than trying to "fix", change, and alter the body, this film's intention is to create space for all womxn to be present in their body, exactly as it is right here in this moment.

IG: @inthisbody_film


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