7 Reasons Dairy Products Are Actually Great in Most Nutrition Plans

For quite some time now, the use of dairy and dairy products has been under quite a scrutiny. However, recent research attempts regarding the use of dairy in our diets – no matter how legit they’ve sounded, proved to be not as accurate as they had everyone believe. Simply put, if you take a look at all of the older generations, you’ll notice that dairy and dairy products were a crucial part of their diet.

That’s because dairy products have some indisputable traits that have proven – time and time again – to bring numerous benefits to our health. Therefore, it’s safe to say that dairy products are a great addition to virtually any meal plan. Here’s why.

Packed with nutrients

Milk, which is also the base for all other dairy products, is jam-packed with some of the most important nutrients. Nine of them, to be precise. Aside from vitamin A, D, B2, and B12, milk is also full of calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, and niacin (a form of vitamin B3). All of these nutrients play an important role in ensuring that our bodies stay healthy, nourished and functioning properly. 

Rich in protein

Next, as mentioned earlier, dairy products are rich in protein. This is very important to keep in mind for a few reasons. Since protein is one of our bodies’ essential nutrients, we should always aim at consuming more of it. Not only does it help us build and maintain lean muscle mass, but it can also make us feel fuller for longer periods of time. That’s precisely why experts suggest we should include more protein-rich foods in our daily diets. For instance, if you consume delicious cottage cheese regularly, you’ll start noticing plenty of benefits. The same goes for milk, yogurt, cream, and even butter. 


Dairy and dairy products usually don’t contain any added sugars. And the sugar (lactose) that’s naturally found in them is actually quite healthy. However, you need to be careful and read the label when buying dairy products as some manufacturers add sugar to things like butter and cream. Of course, any flavored dairy product will most certainly contain added sugars and artificial flavoring, so it would be wise to avoid consuming those. One of the biggest problems is that dairy products that mostly target kids are jam-packed with artificial sugars, flavor enhancers, and even colors.

Regulated cell growth

Furthermore, dairy products promote cell growth. More specifically, the vitamin D found in milk is responsible for regulating cell growth. That’s why many studies suggest that regular consumption of milk and dairy products can actually help prevent different types of cancer. Furthermore, since dairy products are also rich in calcium, they can help improve the quality of your bones, nails, and hair. Additionally, pregnant women can also benefit a lot from consuming dairy products regularly, as their levels of calcium naturally decline in pregnancy. 

Prevent high blood pressure

Low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, skimmed milk, and low-fat ice cream, contain certain types of protein that have been shown to affect people suffering from high blood pressure in a positive way. It is presumed that these products – or more accurately, types of protein – have a similar effect on the organism as blood pressure regulating drugs. If you combine a low-fat diet with an increased intake of dairy products, you can expect good things to come your way regarding your blood pressure.

An excellent substitute for sports drinks

As mentioned earlier, milk is full of some of the most important nutrients. That’s why it comes as no surprise that it is actually recommended that people who exercise have a glass of milk post-workout. However, it may come as a surprise that chocolate milk is actually a better option than regular milk. Chocolate milk contains electrolytes, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium which are all lost during the exercise. Additionally, since a strenuous workout can cause your blood sugar levels to drop significantly, a glass of chocolate milk will help kick those up as well. Of course, if you’re suffering from high blood sugar levels, stick to regular milk instead. 

Help fight depression

In the end, the vitamin D found in milk and dairy products supports the production of the happy hormone, serotonin. According to research, vitamin D deficiency has been linked with some serious mental disorders, such as clinical depression. If you take into account that serotonin is known to improve not just the mood, but the appetite and sleep as well, it becomes quite clear why people suffering from mood disorders can greatly benefit from increasing their dairy and dairy product intake.

That’s why all of us should work on improving our general health by increasing our dairy intake. Of course, even people who are lactose intolerant should look for alternatives that will allow them to treat their bodies with these delicious and nutritious foods.


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