How To Know If You’re Ready To Send Nudes?

The naked truth is that if you’re even asking this question chances are you may not be ready to send precious images of yourself to another person.

But on the other hand, if you find yourself playing with the idea or like the liberating factor that it may bring you before sending that sexy pic I would first ask yourself a few questions.

We say this because once it’s out there it’s out there and there is no taking it back. That’s also something you are actively agreeing to when you hit that send button. Now we’re not saying DON’T send nudes, what we are saying is to make sure you give your actions some forethought.

Not sure what to ask yourself? We put together a few questions to hopefully help you in deciding your feelings on the matter.

Why are you sending it?

Knowing why you are sending it has to be the first question you ask yourself. Are you sending it because you want to? Or do you feel pressured to do so? Maybe you feel like that is what is expected or that the person would lose interest if you don’t? These are all questions to ask yourself before you think about snapping that photo.

If you want to do it all the more power to you, go on with your sexy self! But making sure you are doing it because YOU want to and not because you think it’s what they want is key to feeling good about sending nudes in the first place. You have to be okay with it so make sure you’re making your decision based on your comfort and not the pleasing of the receiving person.

Can I trust the person I’m sending this to?

You are vulnerable when you send nudes, that is just a fact. Being naked in general is a vulnerable feeling and putting that in a photo form for keeping can heighten that vulnerability. Can I trust this person with my vulnerability is another major question you should be asking yourself. Does this person demonstrate qualities and characteristics that prove I can trust them? We say demonstrate because actions speak louder than words!

Will this person keep these images safe? Does this person leave their phone, computer, etc. laying around for anyone to go through? How much do they value your vulnerability?

How do I feel about taking photos of myself like this?

When taking these photos notice how you are feeling. Do you feel empowered and in charge of your sexuality? Do you feel uncomfortable or pressured? Knowing how you feel when you are taking these photos can really help you figure out if you’re truly ready to send them or if you just think it’s good in theory.

There is nothing wrong with starting out thinking you’re on board and then deciding maybe you’re not. You are allowed to change your mind at any time for no reason at all. I don’t want to is reason enough!

How would I feel if someone other than the person it was intended for saw it?

We already said when it’s out there it’s out there so think about this when you’re snapping photos. Thankfully we are getting a little better as a culture when it comes to the naked human body but we aren’t completely there yet. So figuring out exactly how you would feel if someone else saw it or it accidentally got leaked is a thought you should consider. This is why a lot of times people who do send nudes say they leave their face out of the photo, plausible deniability.

Again, we aren’t saying don’t send nudes. We are saying just think about it before you do! You have to take care of yourself first.


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