4 Ways You Can Simplify Your Day-To-Day

Written by: Rayanne Morriss

It is easy to get overwhelmed in today's busy modern lifestyle. However, you are not helpless when taking back control of your life to live more peacefully. Here are four proven ways that you can simplify your day-to-day life.

Segment Your Day

One of the easiest ways to simplify your daily routine is to break the day into smaller segments. Instead of looking at the day as a 24-hour block of time, look at it as a group of smaller and more manageable chunks. You can use your work, home life, and meal schedule to break the day up. For most people, this translates to the time before you go to work, the work day up until lunchtime, the work day until heading home, the transitional period between work and dinner, time with family and friends, and bedtime.

Segmenting your day gives you a more manageable way to knock off things from your to-do list. It also simplifies how you manage your time. For instance, you can use the time after work and before dinner to focus on physical fitness, while the time after dinner and before bedtime can be used for family or pleasure. This approach also helps you to mentally regroup and salvage the day if something goes off track during one of the earlier segments.

Outsource What You Can

Simplifying your life also means accepting that you cannot do everything yourself. Your entire day will run more smoothly if you outsource as much as possible. For instance, you cannot outsource spending quality time with your kids daily, but you can outsource the mundane tasks that take away from what matters the most to you.

It is not unusual for meal planning and cooking to take up a large portion of the day. You can get back this time by outsourcing these mundane tasks. Finding the best meal delivery in Calgary and other Canadian cities if you’re up north, or even the popular meal delivery services in the U.S. will give you the flexibility to subscribe to a service that delivers fresh meals right to your doorstep, giving you back a large chunk of your time. Other suitable tasks to outsource include cleaning your home and car, yard work, and taking care of pets.

Prioritize and Learn to Say No

It would be best to prioritize spending time on what matters to you to live your best life. For most people, that starts with family and friends and is followed by the ability to focus on your work life. Other people emphasize giving back to their communities or engaging in self-care practices such as physical fitness classes. Once you have prioritized what matters most, you can lean into the tasks that put these priorities first.

This also means saying no to requests that do not align with your priorities. Take the time to assess your life and identify what needs your attention. Let go of what is unimportant and release the guilt of saying no to the things that are not a priority. Most people find that not permitting themselves to communicate frees up more time to devote to what brings the most happiness and joyful life.

Get Organized and Stay That Way

You cannot expect to live a simplified life if you live in clutter. Getting organized in every facet of your life will naturally translate to a more simplified routine. Start with organizing your home in a way that streamlines your daily tasks. Other areas to contain include your vehicle, office, and finances.

Many people do a great job of implementing an organizational system but fail to stay that way. A good practice is to set aside a block of time every month to eliminate clutter and ensure that your home and office organizational systems and budgets are working as intended.


Working together with these four tips will go a long way in helping you live a more simplified life. While these steps may take some time to become habits, they will be worth your time and effort.


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