4 New Year's Resolutions to Make a Difference in the World

Written by Cora Gold

The new year can represent a blank slate — an opportunity to begin again and start fresh on the right foot. Why not use this opportunity to make a difference in the world around you rather than focusing solely on self-improvement? The most insignificant actions can make a major impact and improve the lives of others. 

Here are some ways to positively impact the world with your New Year’s resolutions and make a real difference in your community.

Be More Eco-Friendly 

Being eco-friendly can begin with minor actions, like becoming more conscious of your energy consumption. Set goals for yourself to be mindful of the lights you leave on in your home and turn them off when you leave a room. 

Donate food to your local food bank and clothes to thrift stores, churches or shelters. Lean into a minimalist lifestyle by creating a capsule wardrobe and eliminating everything you own that no longer brings you joy. Decluttering can help you be more productive and creative and help the environment. 

Unplug electronics when you aren’t using them and find ways to make your home more energy efficient, like reducing heat loss and upgrading appliances. Minimize your plastic consumption and use reusable coffee or water cups. Start using reusable shopping bags and buying produce that’s in season. 

Support Local Businesses

Supporting your community can boost your eco-friendly lifestyle by reducing transportation emissions and fuel. Shop at small boutiques for clothing, accessories, and household items. Visit a farmers market to support local farmers and those who grow to produce. 

Buying locally supports local entrepreneurs and eases your mind about the production of the products you purchase. You won’t have to worry about pesticides or additives in your food or unfair labor in the production process of your wardrobe. 

Local entrepreneurs are more grateful for your purchases than conglomerates are, and it can give you peace of mind to know where your money is going. They thrive off sales to their community and likely do a happy dance whenever you buy. 

Help Your Community

Volunteer in your community by donating food or your time. Helping doesn’t cost anything besides your energy, and assisting others benefits them and sends a rush of dopamine to your brain. Maximize your talents and see how they can help those around you. What you do doesn’t have to be tangible. 

You can make monetary donations volunteer to cook a holiday meal for the homeless, or clean up your local park once a month. Whatever you can contribute will be appreciated, so don’t feel guilty for not helping more. 

Consider donating blood, checking on an elderly neighbor, volunteering to chaperone at your local school, or starting a campaign to raise funds for something your community will benefit from. Offer dog-walking services to those who need them or babysitting to friends or family members. Help your community in any way you can — it will make a difference to those in need. 

Perform Small Acts of Kindness

Small acts of kindness have fallen by the wayside in recent years. Realizing there are still good people in the world can make the most significant difference in someone’s day. Be kind to strangers — say hello and smile as you pass people in the store or local business. 

Buy a coffee for whoever’s behind you in line. Let someone with fewer items in their cart go ahead of you in the grocery store. Wave at people as you drive past them. These acts can increase happiness in yourself and others and encourage them to pay it forward. Reciprocating small acts of kindness within the community can lead to a much more positive and supportive environment. 

Making a Difference With Resolutions

When we think about resolutions, we often focus on how we can help ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with self-improvement, but you should also take time to think about others. New Year’s resolutions offer a chance to give back to the community by volunteering or donating time or tangible items.

Make the most of your new year by planning to improve yourself and your surroundings. You’ll feel better about yourself and make the world around you a little bit brighter.


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