Dear Seniors, A Letter To You.

Dear Seniors,

As you approach graduation, it's okay to be scared. 

It’s ok to mourn the life you have created and collected at school, quietly say goodbye to little moments you won’t have for much longer, and to be apprehensive about the change that is about to take place. 

As you approach graduation, it's okay to be excited. 

It’s ok to recognize that you’ve outgrown this place you are in now, that these people you have surrounded yourself with have served their purpose, and that you are ready to start the next chapter of your life.

It’s also ok to feel both of those things. As I’ve gotten closer to graduation, that is something that I didn’t realize would happened. I didn’t realize I would have such competing emotions about leaving and beginning. I didn’t anticipate being ready to leave, but also nervous to go.  

In the last month or so you have left, I encourage you to lean into all those emotions. Feel all of it and know how lucky we are to be excited about what’s to come, and how lucky we are that we have something special enough to be sad about leaving behind. 

We got this.


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