2021, The Year Of Tough Love & Lessons

1.) Your comfort zone will kill you.

If you're comfortable, you're not growing. Embrace the fear of failure and change and let it fuel you. You can't let your current situation determine your future destination.

2.) The right decision might break your heart

One thing I realized this year was that if you're sad after making a decision, it was probably the right one to make.

3.) You can't control the version of you someone has created in their head.

You can be gold, baby, and someone is always going to prefer silver. Not everyone is going to like you. You can't control the version of yourself that lives in their mind, so stop trying.

4.) Don't be mad if you ask for peace & realize your circle gets a LOT smaller

As you grow, you outgrow the people who were surrounding you. Those people aren't meant to be permanent. When people leave, hold the door for them.

5.) You're going to disappoint some people when you choose yourself. Do it anyway.

You weren't put on this earth just to make other people happy.

6.) You have to admit that you're not perfect & sometimes you're the problem.

Shocking, I know, but sometimes you're the toxic one.

7.) Growth is lonely.

Choose growth over company, every time.

8.) You're allowed to unlearn who you've been if it isn't who you want to be anymore.

Forgive the past versions of yourself. They were doing the best they could at that time.

9.) It's You vs. You

You have to force yourself to get up early. You are the only person responsible for making sure you're happy. Be honest with yourself, evaluate your priorities. Nobody is going to do it for you. Everything you want starts and ends with you.

10.) Stopped holding yourself to standards you aren't equipped to maintain.

You have to meet yourself where you're at. Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself. You'll be disappointed every time.

11.) Self-love is not always pretty

Self-love is not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes it's calling yourself out on your bullshit. You have to stop trying to fix yourself and instead fall in love with the parts of yourself you've been trying to fix.

12.) The pursuit of perfection kills joy.

You don't have to be perfect at something to love it. Sing off tune, dance awkwardly, and color outside the lines. I hope whatever you do today, you're allowed to do it badly.


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