3 Ways To Be Your Own Bank & Generate MORE Money—Immediately. Yes, Even During a Pandemic.

What do electric shaving razors, car radios, tampons, and chocolate chip cookies all share in common?

Besides being super useful, delightful things that vastly improve your life?

 All of those things[1]  were invented during the Great Depression.

When the world is thrown into chaos—whether it’s a Depression, Recession, or pandemic—it causes immense pain. That’s undeniable. But it’s also a time of immense opportunity.

Under pressure, people get creative. When the world feels upside down, you see things from a new perspective and unlock your best ideas. And even during an economic downturn, opportunities are abundant.

 There are plenty of ways to turn your skills and expertise into cash. Yes, even right now. Especially now.

3 ways to generate more money—immediately—even during shaky economic times:


#1. Identify a problem that you can solve…for cash.

 No matter what industry you’re in, whether you’re an attorney, math tutor, or tai chi instructor, you have valuable skills that people want.

Identify a problem that people are experiencing right now in 2020. It could be a problem like “boredom” or “loneliness” or “not having access to the gym” or “struggling to adjust to virtual school-from-home” or something else.

Ask yourself, “What could I offer to solve this problem?” “What could I create?” “What would really help people out?” “How could I provide the ‘medicine’ that the world needs—and make money while I do it?”

You’re a nanny? Plenty of parents would happily pay you to virtually babysit their kids via Zoom. Channel your inner Mary Poppins and entertain my children for two hours so mama can work! Read them a story! Teach them origami! Anything! Thank you! Take all my money!

You’re a bartender? Millions of people are bored AF right now and craving entertainment. Host a virtual happy hour, teach cocktail mixology, tell jokes, and charge money for tickets.

 No matter who you are, there is always a way for you to generate extra cash by starting a business or side-business. 

And starting your own business is not as complicated as you might think. All you really need is an offer (aka: product, service, class, system, method, etc.) that people want, and some way to take payments like PayPal or Venmo. Boom. That’s it. You’re in business. Perhaps initially you will generate an extra $500 per month, then $1000, then $2000, and you can grow from there.


#2. Throw yourself into a “crazy” money-making challenge.

Sometimes you need a “slightly crazy” challenge to bust you out of a rut and get that coin raining down.

Recently, I challenged all of my clients to create $10,000 in just 10 days.

I told them, “You can generate $10K however you want.”

- You can ask for a raise or bonus.

- You can call your cousin and demand he pay his debt.

- You can follow up with a client whose invoice is overdue and get that shizz paid.

- You can sell furniture you don’t need.

- You can start a new side hustle.

- You can teach twerking lessons online! Whatever!

 Many clients were skeptical that they could bring money in the door so quickly. “Just 10 days?” some complained. “That’s unrealistic.” But they agreed to try because WTH not?

In the end, 350 women agreed to do the challenge. These badass broads earned a grand total of $2.3 million. That’s an average of $6,571 per person. In just 10 days.

Moral of the story:

Don’t automatically assume that you can’t bring extra money in the door. Because you absolutely can. And you might surprise yourself. Before you decide that it’s not possible, just try and see what happens.


#3. Stop making broke ass decisions. Start making million dollar decisions.

 What is a “broke ass decision” aka B.A.D.?

 It’s when you make a decision that drains your resources: time, energy, and money. It’s a decision that makes you feel weak, insecure, and trapped. Basically, it’s any decision that leaves you feeling broke: emotionally broke, financially broke, or both.

An example of a B.A.D. would be: agreeing to do a project for free (even when you really don’t want to), helping your boyfriend launch his side-business and build wealth (instead of focusing on your own money), or doing 90% of the household chores and exhausting yourself (even though your partner is entirely capable of doing their share).

Stop making broke ass decisions. Start making million dollar decisions—decisions that make you rich. Rich in time, energy, peace, power, and money, too.

When you start making million dollar decisions, you feel better, you dress better, you hold yourself with confidence, your eyes sparkle, your skin glows, you see opportunities you couldn’t see before, and you automatically start generating more money. It is inevitable. You become a money magnet.

To recap: Think like an entrepreneur. Identify a problem you can solve. Bring your solution to the marketplace and charge money for it. Challenge yourself to try things you’ve never done before. Start making million dollar decisions. Do all that? And you will prosper in every season, even during an economic downturn.

There is no better time to focus on your money and build the future you want. There are plenty of women out there, slaying their goals, and having their most profitable year of all time. Right now. You can make excuses or you can make money. I don’t know about you, but I definitely prefer money.




About Rachel Rodgers, Founder of Hello Seven

 Rachel Rodgers is a business coach, attorney, wife, mother of four kids, and founder of Hello Seven, a multi-million dollar company.

 Her mission is to teach women (especially women of color) how to make more money and build wealth—without sacrificing their family, health, or sanity in the process.

 Rachel’s first product, Small Business Bodyguard, produced more than one million dollars in revenue and served over 3,500 customers. She’s the founder of We Should All Be Millionaires: The Club, an online community for women who want to make bank. Her first book, also titled We Should All Be Millionaires, will be released in May 2021 by HarperCollins Leadership.

Her advice has been shared in Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Washington Post, and Time. She has appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show and NBC, sharing controversial views on women, wealth, and power that create viral buzz and hot conversation.

She lives on a ranch that she bought with her own damn money.




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