The Guys I Don't Have Time For.

I am at the point of my life that I don’t feel like wasting time with guys. I am too old to deal with the mind games people love to play while dating.

Elite Daily posted an excellent article Guys You Need To Stop Wasting Your Time On.  I picked out my favorite ones that caught my attention. 


  • The one who can only hang out when it’s convenient for him: YOU girl have a life – don’t change your whole life for someone who won’t do it for you! 

Annnnd SCENE


  • The one who told you he doesn’t want anything serious: The guy who says I just want to get to know you and have fun. I am not in college anymore, take your wannabe player status to the next girl. 



  • The one who disappears for days on end: The ghost for the one day. He acts all into you one day and the next day he ghosts. Unless its a major emergency – you know he is by his phone 24/7.  No need for Casper the friendly ghost. 



  • The one who doesn’t listen to anything you say: He knows NOTHING about you – you told him things several times, but he doesn’t care to remember. For instance, if you bring something up, guess what, he will be like you said this to me before--and guess what, you never mentioned it before. AKA he never listens to you. AKA he doesn't care about you. 


  • The one who bores you: You have no real chemistry with this man--he is not your type, but you’re trying something new. He is sweet and so nice but he bores you to death. He talks about things that you are not interested in at all. He honestly believes that you are interested in his new collectors items-- you are not. But you are too nice to destroy his feelings and put down his childish behavior. Just let it go. He can play with his toys without you. You’re too old for stupid toys. You pay bills--girl you're an adult--you don't have the time to go to Toys R Us anymore. 

Where's my pillow and blanket?


  • The one who’s all talk and no game: The “talker” the one guy is all talk--no actions. He tells you everything you want to hear, but you never see it in real life. He texts you all this wonderful stuff but when you are together in real life--you realize he is all talk and no actions- toodles to you. Too old to wait on you to join reality. 


  • The one who gives you just enough attention to keep you holding on: The guy whose beeper goes off when you have decided that you are done with this loser and his antics. He pops out of nowhere, and you’re back to falling for him again. Foolish. 


  • The one who always bails on plans last minute: This man will never respect your time – so you need to move on. Girl, your time is valuable. 

Yes, O, remind us ALL!

These lessons have been helpful for my current love life. I learn to respect my time and myself. Remember your worth ladies! Girl, you are slayin' hard ea


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