Summer Skin

Welcome to Summer. 

Summer can either be your best friend or your frenemy when it comes to how summer treats your skin. I believe that with each season you need to update your skincare routine. During the summer, your skin needs hydration and protection. 

Protection! Please do not forget to put SPF on your skin! All complexions should be avid SPF users! I used SPF infused products on my skin all year long! I suffer from hyper pigmentation and using SPF has helped ease the light spots on my face. Also, make sure to add SPF lip balm to your routine, no one wants dry and crusty lips.

Hydration is key! You need to make sure your skin hydrated. I am a true believer in using, face masks, serums and rich creams. I am a skincare addict, so anytime I found a suitable mask or cream I am all about it. 

For myself, I always feel like my skin is super dry and craves hydration. Even when I’m having a mini hot flash from the heat, I feel like my skin is super thirsty and is on the verge of breaking out. It could be that my PH Balance is off or I'm just a sweaty mess. 

In this case, I love to make sure I use an acne fighting products to combat clogged pores. Look out for ingredients such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to target this new acne. Its a new acne compare to winter acne, trust me. 

Here are my favorite products:


The Asian Fashion Weeks’ Vibes


Comfort and Fashion Correlation