Reasons Why You Should Start Dressing How You Want

Written by Cora Gold

Have you ever felt confined to a specific wardrobe? Do your clothes bring you joy, or do you feel confined to trends that don’t suit you? Your outfits should reflect your personality — what you wear is how you present yourself to others.

Here’s why you should start dressing how you want, regardless of anything else. Embrace your personal style and rock the outfits that make you feel confident and happy.


You’ll feel confident and beautiful if you’re comfortable with what you wear. You deserve to wear whatever makes you feel like the goddess you are. You don’t owe anyone anything regarding your clothing unless a dress code binds you. When you feel good about yourself, it will show to the rest of the world. 

Your clothing doesn’t matter to anyone but yourself, so let go of others’ expectations. People will judge you no matter what you wear, so why try to please anyone other than yourself? Wear what you love and know you deserve it, no matter what. 

There is no rule book about what you should wear to the grocery store or other outings that don’t include a dress code. You’ll rock whatever you choose to sport. 


How you dress is a form of expression that can elevate your mood and make you happier. You should wear whatever you want regardless of beauty standards, fashion trends or other factors. What you choose to wear can boost your productivity and mood and increase your focus. Your clothing has the power to motivate and inspire you. 

Even the colors you wear can significantly impact your psyche and influence your well-being. What you associate with colors can improve your mood. For example, orange is known for encouraging creativity, but if you don’t like it, find something you do. 

Keeping an outfit diary can help you track what clothing makes you feel the most like yourself so you can have a better sense of your style and what works for you. 


What you wear can help you discover confidence and complement your best features. You can empower yourself by finding what works for your body type and honing in on what you love most about yourself. 

Embrace your shape and what makes you unique. Beauty standards are constantly changing and evolving, so don’t base your style on fads or ideas that are passing through. 

Find what works for you and be true to yourself by dressing how you want. You’ll likely see your confidence soar to new heights. You can change your mindset with your newfound confidence. Everything around you can seem bolder and brighter when you feel comfortable in your skin. Being confident welcomes new territory in which you are willing to take risks and conquer your fears. 


Dressing how you want can help you embrace your creativity — and it’s fun. What items of clothing excite you? What have you always wanted to wear but never did? Find a reason to put it on and notice how it makes you feel. Matching pieces of clothing is an art form and a way to be creative and express yourself however you want. 

What are the style rules for matching patterns? Who cares? If you like the way they look together, then wear them! Have the courage to step outside your comfort zone and see what works for you. 

There are so many aesthetics to choose from. Go shopping and treat yourself to something you love, and then pair things in your closet to make your new item pop. You might be surprised how much inspiration can come from something as simple as putting together an outfit.  


Dressing how you want can be liberating. As long as you aren’t at an event that has a dress code, how others feel about your ensemble is a reflection of them — not you. Fashion trends phase in and out, but self-expression helps you show up for yourself every day. Own your style and make it part of your personality. Fashion is meant to be fun, not stifling.

Wear whatever you want and embrace the boss babe you were born to be.


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