How the Beauty Industry Is Adapting to New Consumers

Humans have always been obsessed with beauty. We’re either spending time and money trying to attain what we believe is aesthetic perfection (or its closest relative), or we’re learning about and reveling in its many shapes and forms. Aside from this universal quality of humankind, the beauty ideals have changed several times during our existence, and this fact has led brands to change their own approach in order to make themselves more alluring.

In the modern age, we have an entire industry dedicated to producing, empowering, and emphasizing beauty – from fashion, makeup, hair-styling, all the way to the cosmetic surgery. As a result, we’re always seeking new ways to boost our appearance and self-esteem. Change is once again afoot for the beauty industry and brands are doing their best to stay relevant in the game.

Timeless but trendy


There’s a whole set of reasons to support the little black dress and the classic pair of jeans as some of the staples of timeless. They have earned this reputation many times over, and brands are utilizing these safe, long-standing preferences in an attempt to attract their audience. However, no brand can stick to these limited items forever, whether if it’s the red lipstick or the black pumps. Every company needs its own “edge”, something to appeal to what’s currently the hype and make some noise around relevant topics and trends.

Simply put, this means that modern brands need to be more flexible than ever. They need to stand the test of time without succumbing to dull repetitiveness, and they need to put their name of whatever trend is currently loved. For instance, although the idea of vegan and sustainable garments is still a novelty, Stella McCartney is able to make you feel as if you’re wearing a Stella McCartney dress, and not just a random eco-friendly dress that is in line with the latest trends.

Innovation front and center


The changing tides of consumer desires have brought about yet another palette of adjustments in the realm of beauty. Reliability is no longer achieved by sticking to tried-and-tested, but by creating better, more efficient ways to achieve your desired look. From electronic muscle stimulation for an improved physique, to plastic surgery to get rid of what we perceive as imperfections, the modern consumer always looks for a better, more permanent way to tackle their issue.

For example, in addition to asking for a breast lift cost estimate, a modern woman would also look for an expert with experience to perform this procedure. Since it’s perceived as the most complex of all breast enhancement surgeries available today, the accent is not merely on affordability, but also on the quality of life after the surgery, that is, achieving the lowest possible level of scarring, and other related issues. Suddenly, the price range for such a high-end operation becomes irrelevant compared to an innovative approach.

Transparency breeds success


As personal as beauty may be, ever since we have started living online as well as offline, the way beauty brands communicate with consumers has changed drastically. Having a brick-and-mortar store is no longer as imperative as having an online one. Moreover, enabling feedback is a must for all beauty brands in the industry.

In fact, the more a brand is open to criticism and responds in a way that shows their willingness to change for the better, the greater are its chances to create a strong reputation. Since we’re so attached to our appearance, it’s no wonder that the word of other customers shared online matters much more than a posed model video that advertises a product.

The changing values


As Millennials and other younger generations slowly take over the market, brands need to listen to what they find relevant in order to appeal to them. As we’re witnessing the rise of the green movement, we can also notice the way beauty standards as well as brands are shifting.

The need for organic, sustainable, cruelty-free, and vegan options has grown together with our changing values and in the face of the many dangers our planet is in. It’s no coincidence then that a more natural, makeup-free look has emerged in response to these circumstances, and that more brands are taking the sustainable, fair-trade, all-things-green route.

Influence in the hands of mortals


On a final, but no less relevant note, once upon a time, beauty was defined solely by celebrities, and people in positions of power. Nowadays, social networks, widespread connectedness, and the rise of transparency have empowered the ordinary person to take charge and dictate trends as well as sales.

While brands will never cease to collaborate with celebs in an attempt to attract their audience and build a reputation, they are also becoming more open to working closely with digital nomads, amateur artists, single moms, and people from all walks of life. The question remains, where will these new tides take us in our never-ending chase for beauty?



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