Does Cocoa Locks Slay or Nay?

After months of seeing Cocoa Locks online, I finally decided to give this new hair formula a go. Trust me, I love a good hair product, and if my hair can get thicker I will be more than happy.

Once I got my first Cocoa Locks package I was excited. It had a decent taste to it. Honestly, the chocolate smell was the best part! I liked the packaging, and it was easy to transport from home to work.

First of all, I should tell you about my hair type and condition. Currently, my hair is free of having any relaxer in my hair aka what makes your hair super straight and knock out all your natural curls. At this time the only chemical I have in my hair is my beautiful jet black dye color. I would love for my hair to stop shedding. I am tired of picking up hair off my bathroom floor.

Week 1, I didn’t notice any changes at all, but good things take time.

Week 2 and Week 3 I felt like my hair shed less than it has in the past few months. Over the next few week, I felt that my hair was thicker and my curls were more defined. My curls were less frizzy and even when I wore my hair straight you can see more volume.

Overall the first month was worth it! My hair felt thicker and less shedding. I felt like my hair growth was minimal. I am going to do another month to see more results.

I am looking forward to having this apart of my self-care routine. Gotta keep my locks slayin! Make sure to follow up with us next round to see my hair!

Make sure to check out Cocoa Locks!

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