Pros And Cons Of Feather Touch Brows For Beauty

All living creatures are created by God with utmost love and care. We are all beautiful in our little ways. But still, then, we always want to enhance our beauty and stay young and fit. And to satisfy this eternal desire of the people new types of advanced technologies are being introduced in the fashion world.  A little change like uplifting the brows or shaping it properly can bring a huge change in your face. 

Such a trend with brows nowadays is being popular. Everyone desires to have a perfect brow that will enhance their facial features. Semi-permanent brows are life and as well as a time saver. They are also smudge-proof and waterproof and put an end to the daily hassle of designing eyebrows.

What are the feather touch brows?

Feather touch brows are the latest fashion trend and people are going mad to achieve it. It has become an obsession to achieve perfect naturally fuller-looking eyebrows that will last for twelve to twenty-four months.

The process of feather touch brows involves using a small hand tool with tiny needles to carefully deposit pigment or colour in the upper layers of the skin that look exactly like natural eyebrows. 

The processes of feather touch brows:

  • A topical an aesthetic is applied to the brow areas thirty minutes before the procedure. A second stronger an aesthetic is applied if pain persists.

  • After the anesthesia is done, the brow artist designs the shape of the new eyebrows.

  • Once the customer is content with the outline, the brow artist will begin the actual procedure.

  • The artist will observe the skin reaction and then gradually start giving the strokes.

  • After the strokes are made on both brows with a precise needle, the artist will massage the area with colours.

  • When the pigment will be removed, the customer will get perfectly shaped eyebrows.

The healing process:

  • During the initial healing process, the eyebrows may appear dark and red. 

  • After some days the area around the eyebrows may become patchy but this is all a part of the healing process of getting feather touch brows.

  • A touch-up appointment is fixed after six weeks where the artist determines whether the area is completely healed or not.

  • The process of getting feather touch brows needs proper aftercare. The skin must be kept dry and clean during the healing period. Customers should avoid any makeup or cream except for the one prescribed by the artist. 

  • The aftercare instructions should be followed very carefully to avoid any harm to the skin.

Pros and cons of feather touch brows:


  • For women with sparse or non-existent eyebrows, feather touch eyebrows is a boon. It is time-saving, hassle-free and provides the desired eyebrow. 

  • It saves a lot of time as women don't have to visit a salon frequently. It is smudge-free and water-resistant, so you can swim and sweat without the fear of your fake eyebrows getting washed away.

  • Some people suffer from a hair loss disease called alopecia. Feather touch eyebrows is a gift of technology to such people.


    • The process of getting feather touch eyebrows is a bit painful though the healing process is fast.

    • It may cause rashes and sensitivity in sensitive skin. It is not applicable in oily skin as the colour pay off may not be good.

    • The process of feather touch eyebrows is a bit on the expensive side, so everyone cannot afford it.

The difference between feather touch brows and microblading:

Microblading involves covering the whole brow area to give a fuller look to eyebrows while feathering involves filling naturally full eyebrows with sparse areas. The difference is minute. The cost of feather touch eyebrows is not expensive enough for the brow obsessed people but it depends on your requirements, selection of organization and status of the brows.

Tags: Feather Touch Brows, eyebrow feathering, permanent makeup


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