Beauty Choices You Might Regret

We are slowly but surely becoming obsessed with the way we look. And it’s hard not to be since we are bombarded from all sides by images of what we’re supposed to look like.

And while it’s perfectly fine for anyone to seek out different procedures, products and ways to make themselves look however they imagine their best selves, the outside influences often push people to do procedures that aren’t completely safe and that can possibly have lifelong consequences. So, what are these mistakes that you might regret in the long run and how to make sure you don’t actually make them?


Changing hair color

It seems that every new season brings a new tone for our hair that would suit us just perfectly. Or perhaps it’s the new celebrity who is breaking down the walls by having electric blue hair? We all have phases when we want to change our appearance to look more like what we imagine ourselves to be, but the trend of rapidly changing hair color can leave your hair damaged, weak and falling out. If you do choose to dye your hair – and especially if you are bleaching it – make sure you are using generous creams and masks to nourish it. It would be best to go to a professional hair salon and let them do it, because they will use high-quality dyes, make sure your hair is able to take it.


Brows and lashes

For who-knows-what reason, we really like to experiment with the hair on our bodies. But the problem is that trends come and go as fast as celebrities on social media. But while most of the hair on our body will naturally grow back after a while, if you constantly remove it from a certain place, it just won’t come back. So, if you were a part of the late 90s and early 2000s ultra-thin eyebrow trend, you’re probably now having trouble growing back enough hairs for one regular brow – not to mention achieving a full, bold brow that is so popular right now. Similarly, we usually want to extend our lashes as far as they go. And, today, we have the option of extending our eyelashes and having them look perfect from the moment we wake up. But, it takes a toll, and when the false extensions come off, you will find yourself with shorter lashes than ever, and it will take a long time and a lot of care to regain their previous length.


Fillers and procedures

Cosmetic surgery definitely has a place in today’s world, but with the rise in popularity of different procedures, brought to the spotlight by celebrities and influencers, more and more people are going for it blindly. And there are serious risks of having any procedure done in an environment that isn’t professional and the medical staff isn’t fully trained. And why are we so obsessed? Experts say that lip fillers are so popular due to social media filters, which allow us to see our faces with all of these enhanced features, such as full lips, large eyes and perfectly clear skin. To make sure your procedure doesn’t backfire, do your research on the clinics, procedures and potential risks, and pay special attention to the procedures which are irreversible. For example, on Medisculpt clinic's website, you can find answers to some patients’ questions and get specifics on some procedures before you book the consultation.




Body art has seen a massive surge in popularity in the past few years, with more and more people of all ages – and especially younger ones – getting tattooed all over their bodies. And while some stay true to their choices and cherish their tattoos forever, others realize that they might have rushed into it without thinking about it being a permanent thing. If you don’t have any tattoos and are considering getting one, try imagining yourself with the tattoo for a while first: either by drawing it on yourself every day or by photoshopping it onto a picture and placing it as your phone background. Only when you are sure you won’t get bored of it and change your mind, you can go ahead with the design. Do thorough research to find a good artist and be prepared to pay a lot of money for good quality tattoo.


While some of these are reversible processes with effects that will disappear with some time, effort and funds, some of them are completely permanent, so before you do any procedure or treatment to make yourself more beautiful, think twice about whether it’s worth the risk.


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