Ask An Esthetician With Micaela of MEA Beauty

Skincare is an industry that is always evolving. From Microblading to Lash Extensions, new developments are being made every day and it can be hard to keep up. We decided to talk to Esthetician, Micaela to find out what it is like to be an Esthetician, have your own business, and keep up with new technologies in skincare.

Micaela, "Mica" (me.ka) or "Mea" for short, started in the beauty industry as a Makeup Artist in 2007. Her love for Makeup Artistry drove her to master her skills, not only with making the everyday woman look her best, but also in the professional world on sets, photoshoots, film, and bridal. As she came across so many different faces of all backgrounds and ages, she knew she absolutely had to do more.

After being introduced to the Eyelash Extension Industry, she knew it was something she would be passionate about. She truly enjoys the detailed care of applying eyelash extensions to create a personalized look for each unique eye shape. Her education in the field of beauty is continuous as she strives to give her clients optimal results and beautiful treatments.

What is Mea Beauty?

Mea Beauty is an Esthetics Beauty Studio that provides specialty services, such as Lash Extensions, Microblading, and Airbrush Makeup. It is a space in which our clients come in to relax and catch up on some much needed “me time.” 

How did you decide that you wanted to get involved in the beauty space?

In high school I had been heavily involved in painting and drawing courses. I was very much into drawing portraits of people. At the time not even realizing that studying human facial anatomy would come in very handy in the beauty realm as well. 

During my sophomore year of high school, my parents finally allowed me to start wearing makeup. I then became obsessed with this new “art form”. For inspiration, I started reading books by famous Makeup Artists, like Bobbi Brown. This was the first spark that lit my desire to get involved in the beauty space.

What was the journey like for you in creating Mea Beauty?

I will start by saying, this September will be my 5th year in business! And although the journey was not easy, it has been well worth it.

Six years ago, I knew I wanted to open a beauty studio. So I then made it a point to get a journal and write down all my goals and ideas. There were some ideas that literally came to me in the middle of the night while lying in my bed. My mom likes to remind me those thoughts came from God showing me what steps to take (because to be honest, I did not know what I was doing). I remember hopping out of my bed to jot these ideas down immediately as they came to me. Some of my journal notes included anything from doodles of my potential logo, the pricing of services in my desired location of where I would like to open a business, to a step by step checklist to get a Business License. Having little to no knowledge in business logistics, I did tons of research and reading. I used any free time I had to sit in bookstores studying books about how to start a small business. In college I didn’t major in anything business-related, so really had to figure it all out myself. Nevertheless, keeping my journal notes is what truly kept me in line.  This good habit made sure that I consistently worked on all the steps it would take to create this business. 

While doing all of that brainstorming, I attended beauty school in San Francisco 5 days a week. I had just graduated from college earlier that same year and I was exhausted! However, I knew that obtaining an Esthetics License would open the door for me to work in the field as a professional doing additional services. Once I graduated and became licensed, I worked for small businesses as an Esthetician doing additional services such as skin care, waxing, and eyelash extensions. I also learned how to handle a clientele properly, and how to manage a salon environment. After one year of experience working for other companies in the field, I decided I was ready to open up my own space. 

What made you want to create Mea Beauty and become an Esthetician?

While attending college in Southern California, I made it a point to dabble into as many Makeup Artist avenues as possible in order to get a feel for wanted. I did Makeup Artistry for weddings, retail, film, and photography. From that, I knew I did NOT want to work long hours on film and photography sets. It was fun for a little while. However, I learned it was not ideal for me long term. I decided my dream was to come back home to the Bay Area and create my own space where clients would come regularly for beauty treatments. And because I wanted to offer more than just makeup services, the best route for me was to study to become an Esthetician.

How do you think the beauty has evolved? How do you see the future?

Beauty and technology have become hand in hand. Being heavily involved in the beauty industry for over 10 years, I have seen technological  innovations that have revamped everything.

Hi-Definition TV literally changed the makeup industry. Back in 2007, I found myself redoing half my makeup kit in order to cater to this new wave. HD cameras pick up every little detail.  Later came social media, leading to a world of knowledge where anyone can learn to do their makeup online. Not only that, being “selfie” ready at all times has become a priority for many people. This made semi permanent services, such as eyelash extensions and Microblading extremely popular. Because at any potential picture taking moment, your eyelashes and eyebrows look amazing. My clients and I often laugh about how addicted they are to lash extensions. Some will even cancel other obligations in order to keep their appointments.

In the future, I see more progressive beauty treatments as technology continues to evolve. Brow hair transplants are now being done as we speak. The beauty industry will always continue to be lucrative because when people look their best, they feel their best. 

What has creating Mea Beauty taught you about yourself and your business?

I have learned that keeping my inner peace is literally the most important tool when running a business. I am extremely passionate about my business and love what I do. However, I often consume myself in my work, forgetting to actually relax. There can be serious obstacles with any business, so it is very important to never let that affect your joy. 

Also, I have learned to have so much more patience. Working with people from all walks of life and personalities can be great, but also challenging. Having the patience to take the time to listen and understand what the client’s desires are is very important. With meeting so many people I also listen to many life stories that are shared during the beauty treatments. Often beauticians are like therapists for our clients. We truly hear it all, haha. I can appreciate being someone that my clients can trust and feel comfortable talking to. I even share with some clients so many things about my personal life as well. People are fascinating and my clients often inspire me.

What is your goal for your beauty business?  What do you hope people gain from it?

I often think about the next chapter for my business. Whether it is expanding, or adding a new specialty skill to the service menu. Of course money is important living in the Bay Area, but what I think about most are more ways in which I can give back to my community. 

I hope that as I meet and speak with people in my community, they will see my successes as an inspiration to achieve their own goals, no matter what field of interest. It is all about having determination and putting in the necessary work to make it happen.

We have to ask: Biggest Misconception about Makeup? Microblading? Eyelash extensions?

As Lash Extensions and Microblading have become very popular over the years, the biggest misconception that I have come across is that it is easy to learn. Also that one can very quickly start making a six figure income. It truly takes great dedication and patience when learning these skills. Eyelash Extensions and Microblading take tremendous amounts of practice. You have to practice regularly, almost like learning to play an instrument. You cannot learn to play an instrument overnight. Personally, I made sure to practice Microblading for an entire year before charging clients the service at full price. And I am so happy I did so!  I constantly do correction work for clients that have had work done at other locations. Having patience and dedication to mastering the services I offer is what keeps my clientele retention very high.

The biggest misconception about makeup is that it is meant to just to make “non-attractive” people beautiful. I truly believe makeup should be an accessory to one’s natural beauty. It is meant to celebrate one’s natural features. It inspires creativity and it should be fun! Makeup is so multifaceted. It can be applied as a light and natural as possible, or done extensively in order to create a transformation.

Want to book an appointment or connect with MEA Beauty?

Check in with Mica here:

or follow her on IG


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