Trouble Getting Up in the Morning? Try These 5 Things!

Written by: Stephanie Snyder

Mornings can be a challenging battleground, especially if you struggle to get out of bed and face the day. The battle between the comfort of your cozy sheets and the demands of the waking world can be tough. If you find yourself in the never-ending snooze cycle, here are five things to help you kick-start your day with energy and enthusiasm.

1. Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Inconsistent sleep patterns can wreak havoc on your body's internal clock, making it tough to rise and shine in the morning. To overcome this, establish a consistent sleep schedule. Aim for the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to get up in the morning. Over time, your body will adjust to this routine, and waking up will become more natural and less of a struggle. A consistent sleep schedule helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which is your body's internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles.

2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine 

A relaxing bedtime routine can work wonders for your sleep quality and morning routine. Wind down before bed by engaging in calming activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation exercises. Avoid stimulating activities such as using electronic devices, watching TV, or working late into the night. A bedtime routine signals to your body that it's time to sleep. It's a cue that helps you relax and prepare for rest. Calming activities can include deep breathing exercises, meditation, or gentle stretching. These activities can help lower your heart rate and reduce the production of stress hormones, making it easier to fall asleep.

3. Place Your Alarm Clock Across the Room 

One of the most effective tricks to overcome morning lethargy is to place your alarm clock across the room from your bed. This forces you to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Once you're on your feet, it becomes easier to resist the temptation of crawling back under the covers. Additionally, you can try using an alarm clock that simulates a natural sunrise by gradually increasing the light in your room, gently waking you up, and making the transition from sleep to wakefulness smoother. When your alarm clock is within arm's reach, it's all too easy to hit the snooze button and indulge in a few extra minutes of sleep. By placing it across the room, you create a hurdle that forces you to get up. 

4. Prepare Your Morning the Night Before 

Mornings are far less daunting when you're organized. Prepare for your day the night before by selecting your outfit, packing your lunch, and organizing your work materials. This reduces the rush and stress in the morning, allowing you to focus on starting your day positively. By streamlining your morning routine, including incorporating strategies from Alison Tierney's morning routine, you'll find it easier to get out of bed and tackle the day with enthusiasm. Preparing the night before means you don't have to rush around looking for items or making decisions in the morning. It reduces the stress associated with time and allows for a more relaxed and mindful start to the day. Laying out your clothes for the next day saves time and prevents decision fatigue. It also ensures that you're ready for any weather conditions or events you might encounter during the day.

5. Start Your Day with a Positive Ritual 

Starting your day with a positive ritual can set the tone for a successful morning. Whether it's a short meditation, a few minutes of stretching or enjoying a healthy breakfast, incorporating a morning ritual can make the wake-up process more enjoyable. A positive morning ritual not only motivates you to get out of bed but also helps you build a sense of accomplishment, which can propel you forward with energy and enthusiasm throughout the day. A morning ritual can be a powerful tool for setting a positive tone for your day. It helps you transition from sleep to wakefulness gradually and mindfully. 


Getting out of bed in the morning can be a daily struggle for many, but with the right strategies, you can transform your morning routine. By setting a consistent sleep schedule, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, placing your alarm clock across the room, preparing for your morning the night before, and starting your day with a positive ritual, you can say goodbye to the snooze button and greet each day with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


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