Practices for Detox and Stress-Relief

Unless you live on a secluded island, you are bound to experience a certain amount of stress on a daily basis no matter what your profession or daily obligations are. This is simply the world we live in – it’s fast, hectic and full of goals waiting for us to achieve them and errands waiting to be done. And the worst part – it never ends. No matter what your daily schedule is, it involves at least a smidge of stress, not to mention that with the fast-paced lifestyle, we barely have the time to eat, let alone eat healthy.

Poor diet in combination with chronic stress that just piles up definitely takes a toll on the body and the mind, so it’s time to take matters into our own hands, shake things up and finally unwind, detox and de-stress. It may seem difficult now, but trust us, these steps are not only easy but actually appealing, so you will enjoy practicing them. Not long from now, you will begin to wonder how you ever survived your days without them, so let’s start your journey towards wellbeing today, one step at a time.

Take your time

In the spirit of mindful living, do one thing – set your alarm 30 minutes before you have to be up, and don’t hit that snooze button because it has been proven to throw your final REM cycle off track, resulting in you feeling more tired than when the alarm first went off. A good friend of mine suggested I lie in bed, look out the window and visualize my day while listening to soothing music for the duration of those thirty minutes. I didn’t really believe in the power of that, but setting goals and making plans and checklists in your head really makes you feel more at peace, like you have more control over things. In addition to that, try to remember to give thanks – for your life, health, your family and friends. Think of all the blessings in your life and say ‘thank you’ out loud. Whether you’re drinking a cup of coffee or warm lemon water to kick the day off on a healthy note and jumpstart your metabolism, do it slowly and be aware of every precious second. Continue to hydrate properly over the course of the day as this will help flush out toxins from your body in the most natural way.

Lay it all out

In order to have a good, stress-free morning, you need to ‘take care of business’ the night before. Lay out your workout clothes so they remind and motivate you to go jogging, do yoga or engage in any kind of physical activity that suits your sensibility. Physical activity has proven benefits on both mental and physical health – it keeps your hearts strong, your energy levels spike and your mood instantly spikes as well – which is the opposite of stress and that’s what you’re aiming for. My personal preference is yoga – it provides me with the much-needed serenity, makes me stronger, more flexible and I can do it anywhere, I just need my mat.


Steal the time to detox

Aside from doing my best to eat healthy and always have plenty of superfoods in my fridge and pantry, I have developed another great habit that I wouldn’t skip even if the world was crumbling. I make it my goal to pay a visit to my favorite spa in Eastern Suburbs for some serious pampering and detoxing. After a replenishing body and face massage, I spend some ‘hot’ quality time in the sauna – nothing like that amount of humidity and sweat to flush out the toxins. Many people nowadays have made a trip to a spa a habit that equals that of going grocery shopping, and for a good reason – stressful times call for rejuvenating measures, and now that I am one of those people, I couldn’t be more grateful to myself for booking that first appointment.

Chase it away

I like to think of meditation as a strong tool against stress as a cross and garlic against vampires – at least according to the movies. When you meditate, it seems like all your troubles just become so irrelevant, the things that weigh you down so small and insignificant. You empty your mind, get in touch with your core, and ever since I discovered that meditation can fend off stress, anxiety and even depression, I do my best to steal those twenty minutes for myself no matter what’s going on. You will be able to stand whatever the world throws at you if you have the right tools – and meditation is my strongest one.

You’re not alone

If you have a handful of great friends or family members you can confide in, then you should consider yourself wealthy, and I truly mean that. Having a support system is one of the most effective ways of dealing with both the good and the bad. Happiness isn’t happiness if you don’t share it with the ones who will rejoice with you, and the same goes for problems and stress. Your go-to people won’t always have a solution, but that’s not even the point – sometimes it’s not a solution you need. Sometimes you just need to vent to someone who truly listens and can comfort, lift you up or even distract you with a bit of humor. Know who those people are, cherish them, and never think you’re a burden. They are here for you, so don’t be afraid of opening up and detoxing emotionally.






THE HEALTHY FIX: Workout. Period.
