How to Keep Your Skin Healthy While Enjoying the Sun

Written by: Cora Gold

Sunshine is good for the soul and your health. However, like most good things, sunlight doesn’t come without risks. You must protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. UVA and UVB exposure is dangerous for your skin and can result in hyperpigmentation, sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer.

This doesn’t mean sunshine is off-limits. Here’s how to keep your skin healthy while basking in the sun.

Sunshine State of Mind 

The sweet summer months are welcoming and may make you want to spend as many hours as possible outdoors. The benefits of fun in the sun are linked to improved overall health. Direct sunlight allows your body to make the vitamin D it needs to absorb phosphate and calcium from food. 

A dose of sunshine can be the best medicine — typically, anywhere from five to 30 minutes a day will provide adequate vitamin D. Just be sure to remember how imperative it is to protect yourself in every way possible. The dangers of overexposure or unprotected time in direct sunlight are no fun, so protect yourself.

1. Wear Sunscreen 

Wearing sunscreen all over, especially your face, is vital when spending time outdoors. You can find facial sunscreens that integrate skincare into their formulas, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. A common concern about sunscreen is that it deters you from getting a tan. Although tanning can make you feel like a bronze goddess, you must remember why your skin changes color. 

Sun exposure causes your skin to create melanin, which darkens your tone. However, you can tan without burning your skin. Consider getting a spray tan or using a self-tanner rather than exposing your skin to harsh sunlight. While outdoors, wear sunscreen that protects from UVA and UVB rays with at least an SPF 30.

Remember to reapply, especially if swimming. Water-resistant sunscreen isn’t waterproof — it just doesn’t wash off as quickly. It’s recommended that you reapply after 80 minutes of swimming or sweating and at least every two hours. 

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

Lacking vitamin D in your diet can lead to serious health issues like osteoporosis, muscle weakness, and depression. You can take a supplement to incorporate vitamin D or eat foods that contain it. 

Although sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, a balanced diet ensures your body gets more so you can avoid direct sunlight. Peak hours are from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily and feature the strongest and most harmful rays. Avoiding direct exposure during these hours can protect your skin. Spend time in the shade without subjecting yourself to harsh rays. 

3. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is essential to enjoying sunlight, especially during warmer months. High temperatures pose a greater risk of dehydration, which can lead to serious health consequences like heat stroke. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol when spending a lot of time in the sun can help minimize the risk of dehydration. 

Ensure you drink plenty of water to offset the fluids you’re losing through sweat as your body tries to regulate its temperature. Your body will naturally try to cool itself through perspiration, which can make you dehydrated. Bring healthy snacks rich in water, like watermelon and grapes, to help keep you hydrated. 

4. Protect Your Eyes

Wearing sunglasses isn’t just for the cool kids. Shades help you see more precisely and protect your eyes from the sun. Looking directly at the sun is never a good idea, but looking anywhere outdoors without protective sunglasses can also be harmful. 

UVA and UVB rays can damage the delicate skin on your eyelids to the retina at the back of your eye. Choose sunglasses with UV light protection to protect your eyes as much as possible. Wearing a broad and dark-brimmed hat while outdoors can also help. 

Protecting Your Skin in the Sun 

The sun is a powerful and potent ally that can brighten your spirits, help flowers bloom, and provide many other benefits. A sunshine state of mind is beneficial due to the vitamin D it provides and how it can lighten your mood. However, you can damage your skin and health without proper planning and protection. Prepare for the time in the sun and protect your skin so you can enjoy your time in the great outdoors.


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