Essential Ways to Put Your Wellbeing First

Written by Cora Gold

Prioritizing yourself can feel challenging sometimes. Society views women as caretakers, which can cause a lot of pressure when work and people take almost all your energy, making you put yourself last. However, doing so will burn you out, make even fun things feel exhausting, and potentially affect your self-esteem.

You need to take care of yourself sometimes, even if it feels strange when you start. Here are six essential ways to put your well-being first.

1. Make Time for Yourself

The first vital tip is to find time to do what you want on your own. Even if you’re the most outgoing extrovert in the world, you need to find some time where you can be alone. You know what you want better than anyone else, and having some well-deserved self-care when you have no obligation to others can help you feel revitalized.

It doesn’t even matter at this point what you choose to do. You don’t have to do anything — you could sit with your thoughts or take a nap. What’s important is you took time and dedicated it to no one else but you, which is an incredible first step.

2. Treat Yourself

Everyone needs a bit of self-care now and then. If you need to start putting your well-being first, take a day only to do things that make you feel good. You could try saying positive affirmations in the morning, listening to soothing music, or caring for your skin to give yourself the most relaxing and nourishing day possible.

Some women may feel like they don’t deserve a personal day — and that’s precisely when you need one. Remember your well-being even while you’re busy or stressed.

3. Eat Something Nutritious

One surefire way to start feeling more invigorated is to eat some healthy foods you love. Some people may prefer to eat uncooked and plain fruits and vegetables, which is perfectly fine. You may also like sautéing them with a yummy sauce or jazzing up a salad with some seafood. Balancing your diet is essential, as many fish and shellfish contain omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals.

Many healthiest diets worldwide contain fish, but you have options if you’re meatless or seafood isn’t your thing. You could find new ways to cook chicken or tofu for a healthy yet nourishing meal. Feeding yourself is vital — food is the fuel your body runs on. Consider meal-prepping if cooking every night doesn’t seem plausible.

4. Exercise

Have your friends and family told you repeatedly they’ll go on a walk with you or join you at the gym, only to cancel? Start putting your health first by not waiting around anymore. It’s nice to have some company while exercising, but sometimes, people don’t want to. Don’t let their disinterest stop you from maintaining your routine or picking up your first set of dumbbells.

You can finally start that yoga practice you’ve been meaning to do. Yoga can do a lot for the mind and body to help you learn self-acceptance. Even if you’re new to the practice, there are plenty of adjusted poses you can do to get the effects without straining yourself. There is no need to be perfect in yoga or your other exercises — your health matters most.

5. Meditate

Try meditation if you’re feeling the drive to reconnect with your mind. Humans have practiced this art for centuries — as far back as the sixth century B.C. Meditation can get you back in touch with your inner thoughts and address any negative energy you could carry. The purpose isn’t to eliminate those feelings but to acknowledge them and not let them have power over you.

It’s challenging to make peace of mind when you spend a lot of time at your job or are often out with other people. Consider taking a half hour or an hour to sit, breathe and note the thoughts that start to appear. Even if you don’t have a breakthrough, you take a moment to put your well-being first.

6. Reduce Unhealthy Habits

Kicking a habit can be extremely challenging. It may be the thing you use to reduce stress in your life, or it’s simply something you enjoy. However, you should break these routines if they’re not good for you. Replacing unhealthy habits with one of these ideas could help you feel better physically and mentally.

Perhaps you could switch your post-work smoke with a walk or light jog. If you feel like your food habits could use revamping, research some nutritious recipes that sound good to you and try them out. Negative self-talkers may find some relief from meditation and self-care. Just remember — practice will not make you perfect, so don’t expect that of yourself.

Help Your Well-Being Thrive When You Put Yourself First

Making your well-being a top-tier priority may feel strange to many women. However, doing so is essential for your mental and physical health. Consider trying a few of these methods and see how you feel after a few weeks. The changes likely won’t be immediate, but they could help you feel more confident and healthy in the long run.


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