8 Ways to Start Living Healthy Before Summer

Written by: Cora Gold

Summer is approaching fast, and it’s a great time to start making positive changes. You can focus on a healthier lifestyle today, whether your goal is improving fitness or feeling better about yourself. Summertime’s warm temperatures and good vibes make it ideal for self-improvement. 

Here are eight ways to start living healthy before summer.  

1. Set Realistic Goals

You don’t want to stress yourself out by setting goals you won’t be able to achieve. Begin by writing them down to make them feel real and like you’re doing something to put them into action. 

Suppose you want to lose a certain amount of weight, eat healthy food or become more mindful. Make your plans actionable by using the SMART goal method. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. This is an ideal way to attain your objective. 

2. Move More 

Exercise is essential to having a healthy life. Summer is one of the best times to start a new wellness routine since the days are longer, warmer and full of fresh air. You may even feel more energetic, making it easier to get moving. Your new physical activity should continue into the cooler months, so it’s best to start while you feel excited and energized.

Add more physical activity to your daily life. Start by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking to work, or going on short walks after each meal. Over time, you can increase the intensity or length of the treks to challenge yourself. Explore different forms of physical activity to find out what you like best. 

3. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is necessary during any season. It’s essential to ensure you drink eight to 10 glasses of water daily, especially in the summer heat. You can also consume tea, sports drinks, and more fruits and vegetables.

Certain foods can hydrate you while providing vitamins and minerals. For example, cucumbers are 96% water, watermelon is 92% and broccoli is 89%. 

4. Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can harm your health. You need a solid routine. Pick a time that is best for you to go to bed and wake up and do your best to follow it. Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep a night.  

Many people have trouble falling asleep, and a routine can speed up the process. Avoid stimulating activities like scrolling social media or watching TV. Try something calming, like reading or meditating instead. 

5. Wear Sunscreen 

It’s vital to protect your skin. Ensure you apply sunscreen anywhere that will be exposed to the sun. Take extra precautions like wearing hats and sunglasses so the rays stay off your face and keep you from squinting, which can cause wrinkles. 

Get an SPF 30 or higher and remember to reapply throughout the day. 

6. Make Good Food Choices 

Eating healthy food is essential when trying to be the healthiest version of yourself. Consuming nourishing food shows on the outside. Start by increasing your intake of fruits, veggies and whole foods instead of processed items. Foods high in sugar and saturated fats will make you feel tired and run down instead of giving you energy. 

Start meal prepping to ensure you eat home-cooked meals with wholesome ingredients, especially if you commonly order out. This is good for your health and your wallet. 

7. Reduce Stress 

No one likes to feel stressed, and you should manage it to avoid adverse effects. Look into things you can do daily to manage your stress. Activities such as journaling, meditation or breathing exercises can be done in the comfort of your bed. Try them first thing in the morning or after a long day to manage tension. 

Many physical activities are ideal for combatting stress. Try going on a walk, stretching or practicing yoga. No matter what works best for you, reducing stress to stay healthy is vital. 

8. Surround Yourself With Positivity

Living a healthy lifestyle can be challenging, so surrounding yourself with people who have the same ambitions will help uplift you. Friends and family that support your goals will make it easier to achieve them and keep you motivated. You can even join groups or organizations that have people with similar motivations. 

Become Your Healthiest Self Before Summer 

Starting to live healthier before summer means making a commitment, but it is worth it. The hard work you put into becoming healthy will make you feel and look better, and you’re sure to have a sensational season.


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