8 Reasons Why You Don't Feel Productive (And Solutions)

Written by Cora Gold

Whatever work you do, you need to feel productive in order to be satisfied. There are several reasons why you might not feel like you’re doing enough. Here’s what might be going on if you don’t feel productive and how to fix it.

1. You’re Missing a Deadline 

It’s easy to procrastinate when you don’t have a designated deadline to complete a task. In reality, there is a deadline. You need to accomplish your work, but with great flexibility comes great responsibility.

If no one gives you a deadline, make one for yourself. Setting goals and creating your own deadlines can help you stay on task and challenge you to be more productive as you work towards it.

Another thing to consider is using a timer when completing a task so you have something to work toward. The gentle stress caused by a timer could be your perfect solution to working without a deadline.

2. You Don’t Have the Right Goals

Even if you have personal goals, the wrong ones can make you feel frustrated or unproductive. You might set too small an objective and feel satisfied by doing that, even if there’s much more to do. Then, you realize how little you actually accomplished when you look back.

On the contrary, you could set too many goals and get disappointed by all you tried to accomplish. Even if you perform many tasks, you still feel upset you can’t cross off everything on your list

You know yourself best, so be honest about how much time and effort you’ll need to complete each task. It’s okay to experiment, but always work to get the most done with the least pressure on yourself.

3. You’re Around Clutter

Is your workspace surrounded by items that shouldn’t be there? Maybe you meant to put something away but haven’t gotten around to it.

A cluttered office can lead to a cluttered mind, which can cause you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Cleaning up the area can help you clear your mind and focus on the task at hand, helping you be more productive. It’s also essential to care for the items you do need around you. Dusty or dirty things can cause negative feelings, leading you to feel unproductive.

4. You’re Distracted by Technology 

If you have your phone nearby when working on a project, it’s easy to get distracted by it. You might only intend to use it on breaks or for emergencies, but today's phones have a way of pulling you in. You might pick it up for just a minute to scroll on social media or play a game and before you know it, half an hour has passed and you’re behind.

If you find yourself easily distracted by technology, it’s best to separate yourself from your phone and any other screens you are drifting to. You can always turn up your phone’s ringer in case someone important tries to contact you during your work.

5. You Doubt Yourself

Even if you’re doing everything you can, you may fall victim to imposter syndrome. There is a reason you’re working on the things you are, so have faith the hard work will pay off. Surround yourself with things that inspire you and help you feel confident. These could be signs of affirmations, previously successful projects or awards.

If you feel like you’re not doing enough, you can seek feedback from friends and co-workers. It’s good to speak to a mental health professional to help you feel better if you start feeling significant stress or sadness during this time.

6. You’re Thinking Too Much 

You might feel unproductive when you try to think of too many things at once. If you focus on everything you need to do in a day, your mind can get overwhelmed, causing you to slow your work on the task at hand.

It’s good to have a plan, but try to stick to one activity at a time to complete it quickly and satisfactorily. Practicing mindfulness helps with this, as does writing down a to-do list you can check off throughout the day.

7. You Waste Time 

Another issue you might face that makes you feel unproductive is wasting time. If you only have 10 or 15 minutes left in your day, it’s easy to think there is nothing more you can do. However, every minute counts when you are working on a substantial project.

If you’re at a good stopping point with a few minutes left, use that time to start planning for the next session through research and preparation. When you use up as many minutes as possible, you help yourself stay on schedule and can feel good about getting extra work done.

8. You Lack Purpose

People often don’t feel productive when they lose their purpose for doing something. Sometimes, people lose their passion for something or don’t do it for the right reason. To regain that productivity, you need to rediscover your reason for doing the task.

For work, your purpose might be to provide for your family and help customers or clients. Maybe your painting is meant as a gift for another or to brighten a room. Your goal for dinner might be to make a healthy meal or save money from eating out.

An excellent way to find your purpose for a task is to write down all the reasons why you should do the job. Seeing those words can help you organize your thoughts and motivate yourself to complete the task.

Becoming Productive

Productivity is essential to any work you do, but your environment and mental state can hinder it. Refocusing and remembering why you are working towards a goal can make you feel more productive and satisfied.


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